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2019-2020年高一下学期限时训练英语试题 缺答案 第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以 填入空白处的最佳选项。 RaCheIliVed OutSide SeattIe and always Wan ted to help OtherS Whe n young. At age 5, She learned about an organiZation named Locks of Love WhiCh _J_ hair donations to make WigS 假发)for ChiIdre n who have 2_ their own hair because of CanCer or other diseases. RaCheI then asked to have her long hair 3 and sent to it. Then Whe n She WaS 8, her school bega n 4 money to build wells in AfriCa. When She lear ned that other ChiIdre n had no clea n 5 , RaCheI WaS shocked. So She asked her Pare nts to _6_ holdi ng her birthday Party .In place of 7 , She asked her frie nds to 8 $9 each to the PrOjeCt in AfriCa. RaCheI ' S ninth birthday WaDnJUne 12, and She had 9 a birthday Page on the In ternet With a goal of $300. 10 , RaCheI WaS able to raise only $220— WhiCh had left her just a bit 11 . On JUly 20, RaCheI WaS 12 injured in a traffic accide nt. That WaS a terrible shock to her frie nds, who Wan ted to find some Way of show ing 13 . They bega n don at ing on RaCheI ' S birthday page. Don atio? her $300 goal quickly, and kept risi ng. Whe n it WaS 15 that RaCheI would n ever recover, her Pare nts don ated her hair a final time to Locks of Love, and her organs器官)to other ChiIdren. Word 16 about RaCheI ' S story. More 17 WaS being raised. The total don ati ons soon topped $100,000, the n $300,000. 18 Others, I WaS also moved and donated. Until now more than $850,000 has been raised from all over the world, 19 donations from AfriCans moved by the little AmeriCa n girl who 20 their con ti nent. 1. A. sells B. USeS C. buys D. borrows 2. A. WaShed B. wornC. lostD. pulled 2. A. WaShed B. worn C. lost D. pulled A. cut A. raising B. tied B. spending C. brushed C. wasting D. dried D. earning 5. A. air B. paper C. room D. water 6. A. stop B. enjoy C. practise D. start 7. A. time B. hair C. games D. presents 8. A. give B. owe C. serve D. award 9. A. put up B. set up C. picked up D.


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