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PAGE / NUMPAGES v1.0 可编写可改正 Unit one Lesson one: The kiwi 第一单元,第一课:无翼鸟 The kiwi lives only in NewZealand. It is very strange bird .Because it can not kiwi is the same size as a has no wings or does not have feathers like other feathers look like foot has four 's beak is very long. A kiwi likes to have a lot of trees around it. It sleeps during the sunlight hurts its can smell things very smells things better than most birds kiwis eggs are very big. There're only a few kiwis in NewZealand now. People do not often see them. The government says that people can not kill kiwis. New Zealanders want their kiwis to is a picture of a kiwi in New Zealand money. People from New Zealand sometimes called "kiwis". 无翼鸟住在新西兰,它是一只很奇异的鸟,由于,它不会飞,无翼鸟跟小鸡的大 小同样,它没有翅膀,也没有尾巴,它没有像其余鸟同样的尾巴,它的羽毛看起 来很像头发, 每只脚都有 4个脚指头, 它的嘴巴很长。 无翼鸟喜爱四周有好多树。 它白日睡觉,由于,阳光会损害它的眼睛。它的嗅觉特别好,它的嗅觉比大部分 的鸟要好。无翼鸟蛋特别大 . 第一单元 第四课 河马 The hippopotamus 河马住在非洲的热的部分,它是哺乳动物,也就是说,它的孩子们生下来是活的,并且,它们喝妈妈身上的牛奶。 The hippo potamus, or hippo, lives in the hot part of Africa, it ’s a mammal,that is, its babies are born alive, and they drink milk from their mother’s body. 河马是一个很大的动物,河马的重量有四吨,它的胃是 7米长,它只吃植物,河马是哺乳动物,可是,它花销好多时间在水里。 The hippopotamus is a large animal. A hippo weighs four tons. Its stomach is seven meters long, it eats only plants. A hippo is a mammal, but, it spends a lot of time in the water. 11111 v1.0 可编写可改正 在白日,它睡在河畔或睡在湖畔,有时,它醒来,而后,它去水底下,获得一 些植物当成美餐, 它能够闭上鼻子, 在水底下呆十分钟, 它的耳朵、眼睛和鼻子, 都在它头上高的地方。它能够逗留它的身体在水底下,只有它的耳朵、眼睛、鼻 子在水上边,而后它能够呼吸空气。 During the day, it sleeps beside a river or a lake. Sometimes, it wakes up. Then it goes under the water to get some plants for food. It can close its nose and stay under water for ten minutes. Its ears, eyes and nose, are high up on its head. It can stay with it ’s body under the water, only its ears, eyes and nose above the water, then it can breathe the air. 在夜晚,河马走在陆地上,并且,找寻食品。它从不去远离水的地方 At night, hippo walks on the land and looks for food. It never goes very far from the water. 一个小河马


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