Unit 1-Section C Developing ideas & Presenting ideas & Reflection基础巩固&综合提升(含答案) 外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册 .docVIP

Unit 1-Section C Developing ideas & Presenting ideas & Reflection基础巩固&综合提升(含答案) 外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册 .doc

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Unit 1-Section C Developing ideas & Presenting ideas & Reflection 基础巩固&综合提升 【基础巩固】 【选词填空】 fall behind;in particular;cross out; due to;combine with;throw new light on 1.All the candidates are excellent,but I like the last one         — his experience is just what we need at the moment.? 2.I become worried and afraid that I will       in English.? 3.Gradually,they         the Kunqu Opera,Yiyang Opera,Hanju Opera and Luantan,and formed the present Beijing Opera.? 4.     her contribution in serving the society,she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize aged 69.? 5.I want to         the unnecessary words.? 6.Dogs have complex emotions such as jealousy(嫉妒)and pride,according to a scientific research that         their relations with humans.? 【单句语法填空】 1.He was in low spirits,so he hadn’t      (刮脸)for a few days.? 2.This can provide clues about the true meaning of their non-verbal i     .? 3.Basic Math introduces students to the basic      (概念)of mathematics,as well as the fundamentals of more tricky areas.? 4.Her father advised her to keep her distance from that      (家伙).? 5.He was such a      (残酷的)man that he showed no mercy to others.? 6.I finally s      my friend in the crowd.? 7.A car is also very      (复杂的),needing not only car payments,but insurance,maintenance,repairs,gas and more.? 8.Suddenly the boy leaned over and w      something in Helen’s ear.? 9.He deserves his status as one of the most popular      (作曲家)in Western music history.? 10.When the group discussion is nearing its end,make sure to c      it with important points.? 【完成句子】 1.使她高兴的是她在一场如此重要的比赛中赢了。(主语从句) 2.我从长长的单子上划掉了另一个珍妮。(cross out) 3.很多享有几百年盛誉的中国品牌,正面临着来自现代市场的新挑战。(having done) 4.虽然这些图标的形状不同,但是它们的大小和颜色很相似。(while)


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