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中英文买卖合同范本 买卖合同 Contract for sale of goods 买方/Buyer: 卖方/Supplier: 以上买卖双方就卖方向买方供给服装一事达成全都,双方订立以下合同以资信守 Whereas, the two parties hereabove has agreed that the supplier provide clothes to the buyer, now therefore the following contract is made for them to perform accordingly in good faith: 1.合同标的/subject matter 备注COMMENTS: ○1允许溢短装+/-3%,以实际出货数量为准。○1 QTY tolerance +/-3%,the final quantity shall be determined by actual quantity delivered. ○2样品:大货质量同国外客户确认样衣。○2 bulk quality same as confirmed sample ○3每款详细颜色,面料,尺码和数量以买方的电 子邮件形式和卖方最终确定的为准,并作为本合同附 件。 ○3quantity/color/size/fabric is referred to mails, as an attachment of this contract. 2.交付/delivery 供方应于年月日之前交货至买方指定地点。供方逾期交 货,买方有权拒收。任何由卖家造成的逾期交货,如供方同意收货的,供方应担当因逾期交货而产生的空运等费用。 the supplier shall deliver before the date of .at case of overdue delivery,the buyer is entitled to refuse to take delivery. The supplier shall burden any extra expense thereby suffered such as airline fee etc, provided that the buyer agree to take delivery. 供方应于货物交付前提交以下单证给买方: 增值税发票 质量保证书 赔偿保证书 The following documents must be rendered before delivery of products: Vat invoice Quality certificate Letter of guarantee 3.质量标准/quality standard 依封样为准 as sealed samples. 有国家标准的依国家标准,无国家标的依行业标准。并应符合以下商定: If there is state standard, it applies. In absence of state standard, industrial standard shall apply. At same time the following requirements must be met: 4.验收及异议/inspection and objection 卖方应于交付前通知买方验收,买方应于接到通知后合理时间内完成验收.买方有权于卖方生产过程中到工厂查看生产状况,卖方应予协作。 无论买方是否进展验收,卖方均应对产品质量负责。任何归因于卖方缘由导致的产品质量不合格,卖方均应担当赔偿责任。 因质量问题在国外被发觉,买方或其受权方有权单方托付国外鉴定机构进展鉴定,该鉴定结论卖方不持异议。 The supplier shall notify the buyer to inspect the finished product before delivery, the buyer shall complish inspection within reasonable period. The buyer is entitled to check the process of production in the factory of supplier, the supplier must cooperate thereto. No matter the buyer inspect or not, the supplier shall be responsible for the the quality of the products. The supplier shall assume any liability att


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