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试卷第 PAGE 1 页共 NUMPAGES 1 页 上海市浦东外语学校2020-2021学年高一下学期5月月考考试英语试卷 姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________ 题型 选择题 填空题 解答题 判断题 计算题 附加题 总分 得分 评卷人 得分 1、Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. If a word is given, please use its proper form. As a young child. Ann Makosinski would spend hours experimenting with her toys and other everyday objects around her to create her own inventions. Now a iirst-year Arts student. Makosinski is a well-known inventor and entrepreneur. She won the 2015 Sustainable Entrepreneurship Award of Excellence, 【1】 recognizes innovative business solutions to social problems 一 the same recognition given to Barack Obama in 2014. Her own inventions, the Hol lew Flashlight and the c-Drink. have been causing excitement internationally 【2】 their creation. At the age of 15. Makosinski created a prototype (I京型)ibr a ilashlight 【3】 (power) by the heat of one’s hand. This invention was the result of a ninth grade science project, but Makosinski’s goal was 【4】 (offer) a practical solution to people with unlimited access to power and electricity. “I’m hali-Filipino and hali-Polish. and one of my iriends irom the Philippines told me that she tailed school 【5】 she couldn’t aitbrd electricity. She had no light to study with at night, so that was kind of the inspiration.” Makosinski explained. “I’ve always been interested in doing science projects, so I thought, why don’t I find a way to provide her and a lot of other people with light?” The Hollow Flashlight is made from Peltier tiles (珀耳贴贴片)that produce energy when one side【6】 (heat) and the other side remains cool. The ilashlight can produce a steady beam of LED light ibr 20 minutes. 【7】 (use) only the warmth of the human hand. Her advice to other student innovators? “Start now. There 【8】 be nothing holding you back. Some students at colleges or even in high school think ‘Oh. I’m a student. I just need to study? 【9】 may think it important


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