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PAGE PAGE # /3 苏教版六年级英语(上)6AUnit7第七单元作业单元测 试单元练习 1 ?节约能源 2浪?费水 3?砍伐树木 4保?护地球 5?收集塑料瓶 6使?用纸袋和玻璃杯 m akea poster 8.use too m uch plastic bags reuse oH texlbooks 10. atthe schoolgate 单项选择 ()1. W hatw ouH you like to ?I d like orange jiice. A.drink,drinking B.drink, to drink C ?drhk,drink ()2. ,please?M y sister is sleepiig? A.N o sm okhg B .N o paiking C .Be quiet ()3.Y ourpen is on the fborP base A.pick up it B.pick them up C ?pick itup ()4.W e use water clothes every day? A .w ash B.to wash C .w ashing ()5.C oalis usefuleneig y. A.a B .an C .at ()6.M rBrown fiom the U S . ()7.There aw too m any h the water A.. lubbish B.fish C .plastic ()8.Sm oke is bad the air: A.for B .at C .on ()9.There a btof on the desk? A. is, papers B. is, paper C. ai^, paper ()10.Y ou should not drive ■ A .so m any B .too m any C .so m uch ()1 l.D on tuse too m uch ■ A .trees B ? plastb C ?bags ()12.There aiB som e bananas ■the tree. A.on B.h C .at ()13.There was m uch coaland oi theEarth bngbng ago. A .on B.h C?8t ()14.Earth D ay is 22ndApriL A.in B .at C .on ( )15. Let 1he flow exs first C ?m e draw hgA.m e to draw B .m e draw C ?m e draw hg 用括号中的词的适当形式填空 W eshouH feat) fiuitand vegetables every day? M tgreen (drink) too m uch yesterday? (hotivaste) watei; please? H estarts (draw). Theteare 1hree plastic (botde) on the table. Thebooks are Gse).They are good foryour study? W e usewood 血 ake). 1hhgs Theycutdown too m any (tree). 9.0 neday, B obby (throw) a banana skh on 1he ground? B illy feli))on 1he banana skh and (fell),then he w entto hospital 根据句意和首字母填空 You should notwaste paper You should s paper The tap is lunning .Don tw w ater You are so :fet You shouldn teattoo m ? M ostofoureneigy c fiom c and oil P lease throw 1hese three plastic b into the bh.. 0 h,whata day! It s r now fiofteri. r in sum m er 句型转换 l.S u H aiw atehed TV athom e on S unday. (Xt划线部分提问) W hat Su H ai athom e on Sunday? M iss Lisatatlhe back of 1he bus.(改成否定句) M iss Li atthe back of the bus ? They had


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