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专题 10 The Descripti on of Tree 本章节聚焦于与树木有关场景的描写 ? 10-1 The tree stood erect from the grass, its pink blossom blew away with a large gust of wind as graceful a dancing ballerina. The new leaves sparkled with the morning dew. 译文:这棵树从草地上笔直地立着,它的粉红的花朵随风飘散,就像一个跳舞的芭蕾舞演员。新叶在晨露 中闪闪发光。 亮点词汇 erect垂直的;竖直的;直立的;勃起的,坚挺的;建立;建造;竖立;搭起;创立;设立 a large gust of wind —阵狂风 graceful优美的;优雅的;雅致的;得体的,有风度的 sparkled闪烁;闪耀;生气勃勃;热情奔放;神采飞扬;sparkle的过去分词和过去式 blossom n.(尤指果树或灌木的)花朵,花簇 v.开花;变得更加健康(或自信、成功) 生词难词 ballerina芭蕾舞女演员 ? 10-1 The treetops reached high above the ground, almost touching the sky . The thin branches swayed easily, translucent green leaves flapping around uncontrollably . The limbs looked like they were about to break whe n the plump young bird sat on one of the uppermost bran ches, seem in gly completely oblivious to the winds battering about its sky high domain. 译文:树梢高高地伸到地面上,几乎碰到了天空。细枝易摇,半透明的绿叶不可控制地拍打着。当这只丰 满的小鸟坐在最上面的一根树枝上时,它的四肢看起来好像要折断了,似乎完全忘记了风吹拂着它的天空 咼地。 亮点词汇 treetop 树梢 swayed摇摆,摇动;说服;使相信;使动摇;sway的过去分词和过去式 flapping振;拍打,拍击,摆动;忧虑;激动;flap的现在分词 uncon trollably 无法控制地 uppermost最高的;最上端的;最上面的;最重要;最关键;处于最高位置;面向上地 battering殴打;猛击;连续猛击;batter的现在分词 生词难词 translucent a半透明的 limb n.肢;臂;腿;翼;翅膀;有…肢(或翼、翅膀)的;(树的)大枝,主枝 domain n.(知识、活动的)领域,范围,范畴;(尤指旧时个人、国家等所拥有或统治的 )领土,领地,势力范 围;域;定义域 ? 10-3 The tree stood out from the rest of the Ian dscape, bathed in a bright an gelic light . The sky, midni ght blue, gave the scene a fairytale quality , and the stars that dotted the sky lit up the night . Everything was in awe of its beauty, even the rivers shushed in admiration. 译文:这棵树沐浴在一片明亮圣洁的光芒中,从风景的其他部分中脱颖而出。天空,午夜的蓝色,给了这 一场景一个童话般的质量,星星点点的天空照亮了夜晚。一切事物都敬畏它的美丽,甚至河流也在钦佩中 流淌。 亮点词汇 bathed被覆盖;沐浴着;汗流浃背;泪流满面;给…洗澡;洗澡;bath的过去式;bathe的过去分词和过去式 angelic善良的;美丽的;天使般的 fairytale童话式的,童话中才有的,优美无比的 dotted有斑点的;星罗棋布的;加附点的;在加点;星罗棋布于;遍布;布满;点缀;dot的过去分词和过去式 lit up点灯;照亮;点香烟;变快活 awe敬畏;惊叹;使敬畏;使惊叹 admiration 钦佩;赞赏;羡慕 生词难词 shushed要某人安静,嘘;shush的过去分词和过去式 10-4 The tree stood ghost-like, the silent observer of the snowy mountains, the river and the


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