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1 生产与运作管理 An Introduction Dr. Jinxing Xie Department of Mathematical Sciences Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China .faculty.math.tsinghua.edu./~jxie Email: jxie@ math.tsinghua.edu.cn Voice: (86-10 Fax: (86-10Office: Rm. 1202, New Science Building Production Operations Management 2 Outline What is Prod. Operations Management (POM)? Definition of OM OM vs. OR/MS vs. SS/SE vs. IE/EM The Heritage of OM What Operations Managers do? Exciting New Trends in OM Research Methods Academic Societies OM Related Journals 3 What is Operations Management? 运作管理就是对公司(或组织)的提供主要产品或服务的系统进行设计、运行、评价和改进。 OM is the set of activities that creates goods and services by transforming inputs into outputs. OM is the business function that manages that part of a business that transforms raw materials and human inputs into goods and services of higher value. (narrow view) 4 本资料来源 5 OM概要模型 其他名称:运作管理 生产管理;运营管理 工业管理;工厂管理 6 OM vs. OR/MS vs. SS/SE vs. IE/EM 运作管理是管理的一个领域(管理职能) OR/MS是各领域在制定决策时都可能遇到的定量方法 SS/SE强调的是系统观点、系统方法 IE/EM主要关注如何更好地利用企业的资源,解决工程问题(如工业自动化等) 7 The Heritage of OM 1776-1880: 早期概念 专业化; 标准化零部件 1880-1910:科学管理时代 Gantt图;动作/时间研究;过程分析;排队论 1910-1980:大批量生产时代 流水线;经济批量;线性规划;PERT/CPM;MRP 1980-1995:精益生产时代 JIT;TQM;EDI;CAD/CAM/CAPP 1995-:大批量、顾客化生产时代 全球化;信息化(INTERNET;E-Commerce) 敏捷制造;BPR;ERP;主动学习的组织 供应链管理(SCM);物流(Logistics) 成 本 质量 顾客 作为学科, OM诞生于50年代末60年代初 8 Goods and services design What product should we offer? How should we design these products and services? Managing quality Who is responsible for quality? How do we define the quality we want in our service or product? Process and capacity design What process will these products require and in what order? What equipment and technology is necessary for these processes? What Operations Managers do? (Top 10 Research Directions) 9 Location strategies Where should we put the facility? On what criteria should we bas the location decision? Layout design How should we arrange the facility? How


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