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I ' II help to clean up the parks Unit 2 I ' ll help to clean the city parks. Period 1 Con te nt Sectio n A 1a, 1b, 1c; 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d 教学目标要求 .能够用情态动词 could 表示提建议,如: You could help to clean up the city parks. .能够掌握短语动词,如: clea n up, cheer up, give out, come up with, put up, call up, put off, hand out 等。 .能够掌握动词不定式,如: The girl could visit the sick kids in hospital to cheer them up. .能够正确使用词汇,如: city, notice, volu nteer, sig n, Io nely 等。 .冃能够正确使用常用表达,如: clea n up, cheer up give out, used to, care for 等。 .能根据听到的关键词完成听力任务,如: 1b, 2a等。 .能模仿录音正确朗读和表演教材上的对话并能模仿目标语的结构和语调进行初步表达 (会话)。丨hope to work outside. You could help to clean up the city parks. 等。 教学过程 活动 步骤 教与学活动目的及其操作 教学资源运用 复习 时间 4 m 复习已学目标语和谈论课余活动 T: What do you often do in your free time / after school / duri ng the summer holiday? S: I ofte n … l-ii yuur Irvr lln 1 ufien licljf tu cluLn np l hr nrigli tMirhnod, ben i* Hk1 lnlcrnjition^l Day? & II* un Ik'LtinfbtT Mb 导入时间2 导入 时间 2 m IRv-rrnhirr ia l.hr InEsraUiltirri.>1 V?lniaEi:cr Qai . Du MfcK we nlliclirwlrl 加 环声划-皿丘 fitful. W hill Ibvlgl/ul ElMlI A Vh till j dfl^ 仿照上述对话,组织 Pair work复习活动 Let ' s do pair work: Talk about volunteer activities. 学生双人活动,教师抽查几对学生。 导入新课话题 December 5th is Intern ati onal Volun teer Day. We all should do something helpful. What helpful things will 3 you do? 学生回答,老师板书活动词汇 引入单元标题 I ' II help to clean up the city parks. W 2 I II lid|i 1 ll cl4>un up ilhi> €\iy 教师板书或课件显示: Unit 2 I ' ll help to clean up the city parks. 教师询问几个学生: What will you do? 读图,了解对话情景 地点和谈论的话题 1a 时间 5 m 集思广益,扩展助人的方式 Please discuss what you can do to help people at school and what you can do outside school. Then write them dow n. Now, let ' s check.( 核对答案,教师板书) (Jtfcer way* 斜pi初册 tpgch irg 丿 T^idvrig k?ck in o 玉口e广 dorwt 'ng chtlies / toys / food to people 丨 s L书ok tt IM Help In the iplcturei Tlien list other wayb. 尺理i恂电佩 恤Ipi昭 Esabl也d £孙如 ly pwple ? th chcrri / (happing, tcarhincj tttc Elderly 7 学习并强化刚刚学过的短语 Let' s learn these phrases. Read them together. 1b 时间 4 m 8 听前朗读


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