【最新版的英语笑话阅读】 简单的英语笑话.docVIP

【最新版的英语笑话阅读】 简单的英语笑话.doc

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【最新版的英语笑话阅读】 简单的英语笑话 最新版的英语笑话阅读篇一drunk 醉酒 one day, a father and his little son were going home. at this age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions. now, he asked, whats the meaning of the word drunk, dad? well, my son, his father replied, look, there are standing two policemen. if i regard the two policemen as four then i am drunk. 一天,父亲与小儿子一道回家。这个孩子正处于那种对什么事都很感兴趣的年龄,老是有提不完的问题。他向父亲发问道:爸爸,醉字是什么意思? 唔,孩子,父亲回答说,你瞧那儿站着两个警察。如果我把他们看成了四个,那么我就算醉了。 but, dad, the boy said, theres only one policeman! 可是,爸爸, 孩子说,那儿只有一个警察呀! 最新版的英语笑话阅读篇二牙医的伟大之处 while eating in a restaurant, i reprimanded(谴责,责难) my four-year-old son for speaking with his mouth full . mump umn kmpfhm, was all i heard. 在饭店吃饭的时候,我申斥我4岁的儿子,因为他满嘴食物在说话。喔、呢,我听到的就是这些。 drew, i scolded, no one can understand a word youre saying. 杜鲁,我责备道,没人明白你在说什么。 he says he wants some ketchup(番茄酱) , my husband said calmly. 他说他要一些番茄酱,我丈夫平静地说。 a woman sitting nearby leaned over and asked, how in the world did you understand him? 坐在旁边的一位妇女靠过来问道:你究竟如何明白他的话的呢? im a dentist, my husband explained. 我是牙医。我丈夫解释道。 最新版的英语笑话阅读篇三after his beloved horse died, a man wanted to place an ad in the newspaper like this: horse saddle and bridle for $50. 无意中报纸在广告语中加了个逗号,读起来成这样了,50元卖马,马鞍和马缰绳。 inadvertently(非故意地) the paper added a comma to the ad, which read instead:horse, saddle and bridle for $50. 一个人衷爱的马死了,他打算在报上登则广告如下:50元卖马鞍和马缰绳。 immediately someone responded to the ad, thats an awfully cheap price for a horse, said the caller, whats wrong with your horse? 马上就有人询问这则广告。这马的价格真是太便宜了,询问者说,马有什么毛病吗? well, he is dead, replied the man who placed the erroneously(错误地) typed ad. 哦,它是死的,安排这条误入的广告的人回答道。 最新版的英语笑话阅读篇四A: I have the perfect son. A:我有一个完美的儿子。 B:Does he smoke? B:他抽烟吗? A:No, he doesnt. A: 不,不抽。 B:Does he drink whiskey? B:他喝威士忌吗? A:No, he doesnt. A:不,他不喝。 B:Does he ever come home late? B:那他回家晚吗? A:No, he doesnt. A:不,不会。


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