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相关应对概念与心理防御机制关系 应对属于心理应激理论范围而防御机制属于精神分析理论范围, 所以应对更多是属于意识, 而心理防御是属于潜意识。 但也要注意二者联络——都是心理自我保护方法, 经过意识训练一些防御机制可能会转变为习惯化应对活动, 如否认、升华、转移、幽默、合理化、压抑等。 自 测 习 题 名词解释 1.应急 2.通常适应综合征 3.心理应激 4.应激系统论模型 5.生活事件(应激源) 6.负性生活事件 7.生活改变单位 8.认知评价 9.应对 10. 特质应对 11.社会支持 12.应激反应 13.无助 14.灾难化 15.否认 16.应激管理 简答题 1. 简述应激过程模型关键内容 2.简述心理应激多原因交互作用 3.简述生活事件分类 4.简述应对概念多维性 5.简述社会支持保护健康机制 6. 简述应激综合评定基础方法 叙述题 1.试述应激系统论模型特点及在医学工作中意义 2.试依据应对影响原因设计应对指导方案 3.试述心身中介机制影响健康关键路径 4.试述个体应激管理基础方案 5.试述针对认知评价应激管理基础手段 课 外 阅 读 History Hans Selye was born in Vienna, Austria-Hungary on 26 January 1907. He became a Doctor of Medicine and Chemistry in Prague in 1929, went to Johns Hopkins University on a Rockefeller Foundation Scholarship in 1931 and then went to McGill University in Montreal where he started researching the issue of stress in 1926. In 1945 he joined the Université de Montréal where he had 40 assistants and worked with 15,000 lab animals. Kantha (1992), in a survey of an elite group of scientists who have authored over 1,000 research publications, identified Selye as one who had published 1,700 research papers, 15 monographs and 7 popular books. He died on October 16, 1982 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. the correlation between self-concept and coping styles In some research, the self-concept of adolescents is linked to coping styles. For example, Sei.ge-Krenke (1990) found a link between coping styles and self-concept. The sample in her study was classified into three categories taking into consideration the predominant coping style (active coppers, internal coppers and problem avoiders). Each of the coping styles was linked to a different self-description; active coppers had high self-esteem and reported excellent relationships with their parents whereas the problem avoiders gave depressed self-descriptions and lacked confidence in their own abilities. 个性中应对研究新进展   应对,是指经过认知和行动来预防、处理和降低心理上压力。多年来,应对研究一直是中国外心理学应用研究中一个热点问题,当面对压力时,使用何种应对方法将直接影响到个体心理与生理健康。应对与人个性含有十分亲密关系,大量研究表明,个性结构中不一样成份在一定程度上影


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