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句子大全 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 青春唯美励志英语句子 导读: 本文是关于句子大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点 评和分享! 1、透过阳光,看曾经岁月美好,是否会有一些花开让你黯然心 伤。 Look through the sunshine to see if there were some flowers that would make you sad. 2 、知识就是力量;知识就是财富;知识就是独立;知识改变命 运。 Knowledge is power; knowledge is wealth; knowledge is independence; knowledge changes destiny. 3 、成功无须解释,失败莫有推辞;自弃者扶不起,自强者击不 倒。 Success needs no explanation, failure cant be refused; self-abandoned people cant help, self-improvement people cant defeat. 4 、力争上游,龙腾虎跃朝气蓬勃;壮志凌云,你追我赶誓夺第 一。 Strive for the upper reaches, the Dragon leaps and the tiger leaps vigorously; ambitious, you chase me and swear to win the first place. 句子大全 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 5 、一个真正想成功的人是勤奋与努力的,而不是躺在床上说大 话。 A person who really wants to succeed is diligent and hard-working, not lying in bed talking big. 6 、不要着急,所有的伤痛终将结束,你将比过去更加坚强,幸 福。 Dont worry, all the pain will be over, you will be stronger and happier than before. 7 、如果你有两个思想一致的人,解雇一个。你要一个副本做什 么? If you have two people of the same mind, fire one. What do you want a copy of? 8 、回首往事,不会因虚度年华而悔恨,也不会因碌碌无为而羞 愧。 Looking back on the past, we will not regret for wasting our time, nor be ashamed of doing nothing. 9 、在各自岗位上尽职尽责,无需豪言壮语,默默行动会诠释一 切。 In their respective positions, due diligence, no need for bold words, silent action will explain everything. 10 、世上的成功者愿意付出的远超过规定,同时还以欢喜的心 去做。 句子大全 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 Successful people in the world are willing to give far more than they prescribe and do it with joy. 11 、奔跑不单是一种能力,更是一种态度,决定你人生高度的 态度。 Running is not only a kind of ability, but also an attitude, which determ


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