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基于simulink 的QPSK调制解调 一、 摘要 在21世界信息飞速发展的时代,各个国家对通信行业的支持更是不遗余力。 当前我国3G行业正值蓬勃发展,国家又在大力倡导三网融合。好的技术能够快 速地传递用户信息,并且有着高的准确性(即非常低的误码率)和可靠性。QPSK 调制解调技术以其高的解调速率、低的误码率,在CDMA领域得到广泛应用。本 文设计本文主要介绍了正交相移键控 (QPSK)的概况,以及正交相移键控 (QPSK) 的调制解调概念和原理,传输比特错误率和符号错误率的计算,了解 Simulink 中涉及到QPSK 的各种模块的功能。这次QPSK调制解调采用了正交调制和相干解 调,包含了串并转换、电平转换、载波调制、信号合成、相干解调、抽样判决, 和并串转换一系列系统的设计,并利用Matlab 中的Simulink模块对QPSK 的调 制解调系统进行了仿真,对QPSK在高斯白噪声信道中的性能进行分析,进而验 证了QPSK调制技术的优越性。 【关键词】Matlab QPSK Simuln 仿真 ABSTRACT In the 21st world of the rapid development of the information age, each country to communication industry is spare no effort to support. The 3 g industry in our country as vigorous development, the country should be advocated and three nets fusion. Good technology can quickly transfer user information, and has a high accuracy (that is, very low bit error rate) and reliability. QPSK demodulation technology with its high demodulation rate, low error rate, in CDMA areas to be widely applied. The paper presents the design of this paper mainly introduces the photograph is shift keying (QPSK) profile, and positive photograph shift keying (QPSK) modulation demodulation concept and principle, transmission bit error rate and symbol error rate calculation, understand involved in Simulin QPSK various modules function. The QPSK modulation demodulation adopted orthogonal modulation and coherent demodulation, contains the string and conversion, level conversion, carrier modulation, signal synthesis, coherent demodulation, sampling judgment, and string conversion a series of system design, and use the Matlab Simulink module for QPSK modulation demodulation system simulation, the QPSK white gaussian noise channel in the performance analysis, and then verify the QPSK modulation technology superiority.


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