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科技类话题语料 1.纸媒书籍被取代 Some people think that printed books are no longer necessary in this digital era as all writings can be sgred elxtrodly. Others think that printed books still play important roles. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. 有人认为纸煤书符不m至娈.因为在数爲时代所有文w可以电子借备,有人认为纸煤书帯依然可以发挥匹作用,讨论鬲刪他s? 【相瑟目】 Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since computer technology can replace libraries* function. To which extent do you agree or disagree? 口入认为,图书悔是咨源浸透.因为计m几可以荻4其作用,罡百认同? 【作*破】怜统的纭戻闻垃不士因为电子闻读的流行而退出历史貝台. 【沃脑风臬】我们已经从互联网时代进入到无銭互联叵时代 微佶、躺、电子书的说行大地慈了人们的网跆比一糊停物 的流厅必空因为呉优势・吉览不竽不流行的理由.伍足‘传統的纸媒闻淀没有,也不仝因为电子书的涼行而退出厉妙5$ 【恩路插展】 ③纟耀书珞永远足有由场的,因为人们迅不了千百年来形成的艰压苹固的禹浜纸媒的Wt8・ 0电子I昶呈快報式的阅溟,孩?书羅更口收33;价{£・ 砂书倚更于学习,傀如考试用书,可以标住. ③电子阅氏因为兵环渥、彳盼介、行绘虽大、便于糜带、制作涪姜筋为传统书错肓衫的补疋 【范畑折】 U段】苗頁介咽十争曄总寸作彖立场 Reading has a key role to play in people* s relaxation. Sure enough , it is not rare to see that the enormous popularity of electric equipments, such as iphone and ipad, keeps on soaring. Many people prefer to read e-books rather than the traditional paper bocks. Hence, people differ greatly in their views as to whether or not The printed bocks will be still of great necessity. As I see it paper books could never be substituted because of their unique merits. [二废】第一友支待作凉立场 Primarily , although it is easy to acquire snd utilize e-book$z it is far from easy, for millions of people, to change their deeply-rooted habits of reading paper books. More precisely, numerous people insist on browsing paper books in traditional way because they can take notes in the blank of a page・ A hard truth can justify my stand・ Traditional books were often predicted to be replaced by new tech nology such as the Interne! or smart phones in the pa si several decades, however, this prediction has never been realized until now. Similarly, traditional books will not withdraw from the stage of history due to e・ readi ng・ [三段]58S支君作彖立场 Whax I would like to add is that a newly published book or magazine could best


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