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四川省广元市苍溪县文昌中学2020-2021学年高三英语期末试卷含解析 一、 选择题 1. Sometimes proper answers are not far to seek ___________ food safety problems. A. in B. with C. after D. to 参考答案: D 略 2. Tom, ______ honest man, has made ______ good doctor over these year. ?????????????????? A. a, the??? ?????? ?????? ?????? B. an, a ? ?????? ?????? C. the, a? ?????? ?????? ?????? D. an, the 参考答案: B 略 23. We often associate the name of Li Ning ______ gymnastics. A. with ?????? B. by?? C. to????? D. in 参考答案: A 略 4. When ________ questions in class, one should answer them as clearly as possible. A.asking????????? B.to ask?????????? C.to be asked??????? D.asked 参考答案: D 5. _______ is known to the world, the Chinese in many places _______ the old traditions. A. That; keep on ????????????? B. which; keep out? ???????????????? C. It ; keep back?? D. As; keep up 参考答案: D 6. He is now paying ___ attention to what the article says than to the way?????? the language is used. ?????? A.a lot more; that ???????????????? B.much more; on which? ????? ?????? C.very more; in Which??? ??? D.even more; by which 参考答案: A 略 7. Don’t stand by when you come across________ have difficulty in supporting their family because of serious illness. ?? A. Who ? B. Whoever ?? C. Whichever D. Whomever 参考答案: B 8. The latest information ____ me in my belief__???? he is to blame. A.controls; what?????? B.confirms; that??????? C.advises; that??? ?????????? D.makes; which 参考答案: B 9. -- Mr Jordan, we want to hear your opinion about the current NBA games. -- OK, I ____ to that. A.?came??????? ? B.have come?????? C.??am coming??????? D.come 参考答案: C 10. ----Nothing wrong with it,______? ----Yes. The computer says,"Please check this disk before entering data. " A. is it??? B. has it??? C. does it??? D. is there 参考答案: D 11. _______ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.. ?????? A.so curious the couple was??????????????????? B.So curious were the couple ?????? C.How curious the coup


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