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金融英语口语【两篇】 导读: 本文 金融英语口语【两篇】 ,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢 迎点评和分享。 【美国金融制度】 Iwao Tanaka ,making his first business trip to the United States ,is talking to an American banker about the financial and monetary system of the U.S. 田中岩夫第一次因公出差工到美国, 他正在与美国的一位银行家 谈到美国金融和货币制度。 Tanaka:What is meant by the term Federal Reserve System ?Is that the central bank of the United States? 田 中:什么是美国联邦储蓄系统?它是美国的中央银行吗? Banker :Technically it is not ,Mr.Tanaka,but it functions in that capacity . 银行家:从法律上讲,它不是,田中先生。但是它发挥了那样的 作用。 The Federal Reserve System ,or the Fed as it is usually called,is the fiscal agent of the United States . 美国联邦储备系统即平常称之为“联邦”的是美国财政机构。 It has authority to issure notes which are the main currency of the country , 它有权发行作为国家主要货币的纸币, to control the money supply and to supervise banks and banking practices in the country . 有权控制货仙的供应量,并有权监督国内银行及银行业务活动。 T;It's owned by the government ,isn't it ? 田 中:它属于政府所有,是吗? B:No ,it isn't .Actually ,the Fed really consists of 12 banks which are owned by all the nationally chartered banks in their respective districts. 银行家:不是的。实际上,美国联邦储备系统包括十二家银行, 这些银行都是由所在地区的国家立案银行掌握所有权。 But the supervisory board ,called the Board of Governors,is a government agency responsible to the Congress. 但是他被称为“总裁理事会”的具有监督作用的理事会是一个 政府机构,它向国会负责。 T:What do you mean by nationally chartered banks?Don't all banks have to have charters? 田 中:您所说的国家立案的银行是什么意思?难道不是所有的 银行都必须立案吗? B:Yes,every bank must have a charter or license to do business .But we have a dual banking system here in the United States. 银行家:是的,每个银行都必须立案或者得到准许证才能营业。 但是在美国,我们这里实行的是双重银行体制, That means some banks are licensed by the Federal government and some by


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