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1、 _____, women prefer brighter colors than men do. 回答对的 ?A: As a whole ?B: To the whole ?C: On the whole ?D: In the whole 答案: C 有疑问去论坛 ?? 2、 Please give the problem a careful _____. 回答对的 ?A: consideration ?B: consider ?C: considerate ?D: considerable 答案: A 有疑问去论坛 ?? 3、 Client: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Turner?? Secretary:_______? 回答对的 ?A: I’m sorry. He’s at a meeting right now. ?B: Speaking, please ?C: Hello. Who’re you, please? ?D: Hello. Thank you for calling. 答案: A 有疑问去论坛 ?? 4、 Guest: Oh, I hadn’t realized how late it was. I’m afraid I’ll have to be going.? Host: Oh, not yet. I’m just going to make some coffee.? Guest: ___, though I’d really love to stay. I’ve got to be up by six tomorrow morning, unfortunately. Thank you for a wonderful party.? 回答错误 ?A: I’m sorry, but I must ?B: Excuse me, but I have to go ?C: Pardon me, but I should go ?D: It’s a pity, but no way out 答案: A 有疑问去论坛 ?? 5、 Mary: Tom, would you like to go to a party this Saturday?? Tom: ______.What kind of party?? Mary: It’s a birthday party.? 回答对的 ?A: Sounds good ?B: Looks nice ?C: Seems all right ?D: Feels excellent 答案: A 有疑问去论坛 ?? 6、 Nancy: Have you heard about Dana? She is going to get married with Graham!? Scott:______? 回答对的 ?A: You’re kidding! ?B: Congratulations! ?C: Is it a real thing? ?D: Good luck! 答案: A 有疑问去论坛 ?? 7、 Online shopping _____ competition to traditional business operation. 回答错误 ?A: brings ?B: takes ?C: carries ?D: delivers 答案: A 有疑问去论坛 ?? 8、 Restructuring in the telecom businesses is ______. 回答错误 ?A: in hand ?B: on hand ?C: by hand ?D: at hand 答案: D 有疑问去论坛 ?? 9、 Customer: The jeans look cool. May I try them on? Salesman: Sure. ______ 回答对的 ?A: What size, please? ?B: It's 34 RMB, please. ?C: Help yourself, please. ?D: Cash or charge? 答案: A 有疑问去论坛 ?? 10、 A: What a surprise. You had your hair permed. B: Yes, and another surprise. I'm going to get married next Saturday. A: ______ 回答对的 ?A: Oh, sorry, I've nearly forgot that, ?B: Really? Congratul


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