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Multi-OS notes Right tool for right job Right OS for your workload Right management control tool for what needs to be done w/in an OS Unified through common management Simultaneous support of multiple OSes is a good thing for customers and they are interested in it – environments might have more than one OS For OSes that HP owns (HP-UX and OpenVMS) Focus on driving virtualization leadership and differentiation for HP-UX Unique functionality – complete utility pricing, SG/DT, key solutions first on HP-UX Wrap into overall AE/utility computing vision – move freely resources around and don’t care about where they are executed – that’s why you need common management Where there is commonality, we invest that sets us free to invest in the specific areas that we need to to make the investments in making each OS superior Open Q: Integrity only or include ProLiant/NonStop too What about Xen? Might come as a question from analysts majority of revenue comes from HP-UX vs Integrity as a standard message? How many customers buy Integrity because they have in future the option of running other OSs than HP-UX. The value of the option. Integrity customer references with multi OS today at the beginning. Objectives: To differentiate HP partitioning technology. Notes: HP offers both hard and virtual (soft) partitions (vs. competitors who typically offer one or the other option.) We think there is a lot of value in having the flexibility of both hard and soft partitions. Each has its advantages: nPar (hard partition) have the advantage of hardware isolation (for instance, to ensure your development environment does not impact your production environment). vPar (virtual partition) offer greater granularity Integrity Virtual Machines are an alternative form of soft partitioning offering sub-CPU granularity with complete shared I/O. Previously we looked at the capacity graphics which are in the upper left and right. Instant Capacity is about steadily rising needs and temporary i
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