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Unit 1 Whats the matter? Section B 1a-1d : What’s the matter with…? : He/She has a … : What should he/she do? : He/She should … bandage n. 绷带 v. 用绷带包扎 1. His leg was hurt, please put a bandage on it. (n.名词) 2. Do you know how to bandage an injured arm? (v.动词) Could you please press that button for me? sick adj. 生病的;有病的 1. What should I do if I feel sick? 2. Can you take care of the sick baby for a while? knee n. 膝盖 I hurt my knee running yesterday. nosebleed n.鼻出血 When my son had a nosebleed, I was scared to death. bandage press sick knee nosebleed 1. rest for a few days 2. put a bandage on it 3. run it under water 4. put some medicine on it 5. press the sides of your nose 6. put your head down 缠上绷带 捏住鼻子两翼 把头低下 休息几天 用水冲洗 敷药 7. feel sick 8. cut ones knee 9. have a nosebleed 10. hurt ones back 11. get hit on the head 割破膝盖 觉得不舒服 流鼻血 背部受伤 头部被击中 What should he do? First, he should ________________ . Next, he should _______________. Then, he should __________________ . __ Go to the hospital. __ Get an X-ray. __ Rest for a few days. 1 2 3 go to the hospital get an X-ray rest for a few days What’s the matter with the boy? He ____ down and _____ his back. What should he do? Accident fell hurt __ Press the sides of your nose. __ Put your head down. __ Clean your face. 2 1 3 __ Put a bandage on it. __ Run it under water. __ Put some medicine on it. 3 1 2 First, ... Next, ... Then, ... What should they do? Listen to the school nurse. Check (√) the problems you hear. Problems Treatments Problems Treatments Someone felt sick. √ b, c Someone had a nosebleed. Someone cut his knee. Someone hurt his back. Someone had a fever. Someone got hit on the head. 1b √ √ √ 1c Listen again. Write the letter of each treatment next to the problems you check in the chart above. a. put a bandage on it b. took



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