初一听说课教案模板(共7篇) .docVIP

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初一听说课教案模板(共7篇) 第1篇:听说课教案Teaching plan 一、Background information Teacher: Mi Qin Students: 40 Grade:seven Age: 13-14 years old Leon duration:40mins Teaching contents: unit1, what are you going to do at the weekend? Module 3 student’s book 2 二、教材分析 1、教材内容:本模块围绕 规划 这次话题展开的,从同学们的周边环境入手,从而达到可以规划自己要做什么事情 2、本节课为本模块的第一单元,教学内容包含教材14—15页的 speaking and listening.学生在老师的引导学习下知道一些重要的单词,短语。和能够自然地运用这些短语进行对话。能够规划短期的行程 三、学生分析 本节课授课的对象是初一下册的学生,全班共40人,男生20次,少女生20次,刚进入初中的青少年,对于新的知识有着很大的好奇心和求知欲,并有一定的独立性,但也有贪玩的心理,所以这节课的主体是学生,通过以前已有的知识和新知识的输入,能够简单地进行谈论自己的周末规划 四、teaching aims; 1、knowledge aims ⑴ New words: plan revise picnic test ⑵New phrases: check email revise for have a picnic ⑶Structures: be going to+动词原形表白一般将来时 2 Ability aims: be able to use the structures to make a dialogue 五、Teaching strategies: communication approach, audio-lingual approach 六、teaching aids: PPT blackboard tape 七、teaching procedures Step 1:Lead in T:Cla begin S: Stand up.Good morning, Mi Qin T: Good morning, cla.Thank you, sit down, please, look, these are my friends, we usually have a picnic at the weekend.Do you know “have a picnic”? S:No T:OK, please look at the picture, have a picnic means we can eat and drink in outside, anywhere, and you can smell flowers…now, do you know? S: Yes T: Ok, what are you usually to do at the weekend? You, please S: I usually play computer games at the weekend T: Ok, it is relaxing, what about you? S:I usually do my homework T:Yean; you are a good student, what about you? S: I usually visit my grandparents T: Good, I think you like you grandparents very much, ok, weekend is coming.This weekend, what is my plan at the weekend, do you know plan? S: Yes T: Yean, plan plan, read it, you can gue what is my plan at the weekend, can you gue? You can gue in this way.You are going to…maybe you are going to… S: Maybe you are going to have a picnic T: Ok, what about you? S: Maybe you are going to have o party T: En it is a good idea S: Maybe you are going to go shopping T: Yean yean, I lik


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