新牛津译林英语三上U3 Fun time & Song time教案.doc

新牛津译林英语三上U3 Fun time & Song time教案.doc

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英语 〔三年级上册〕 Unit 3 My friends Fun time & Song time Teaching contents 教学内容 Fun time & Song time Teaching aims & learning objectives 教学目标 1. 复习、稳固、进一步熟练掌握本课词汇goodbye, my friend, he’s, she’s以及日常交际用语Goodbye,… He’s/She’s… He’s/She’s my friend. 2. 能运用多种工具完成“My friends〞的海报任务。 3. 能自然、熟练地运用本课所学的语句介绍自己的朋友。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点 教学重点:能在完成海报的根底上熟练运用本课语句介绍朋友。 教学难点:能通过对词句的理解提高阅读文本的能力。 Teaching procedures教学过程: Step1.Greeting & Revision 1. Greeting T: Hello/Hi/Good morning/Good afternoon,… S: Hello/Hi/Good morning/Good afternoon, Mr Huang. T: Nice to meet you. S: Nice to meet you too. T: How are you S: Fine, thank you! 2. Revision (1) T: First let’s say a chant. Please pay attention to your intonation. (PPT呈现歌谣,教师带读) S: He’s, he’s, he’s Liu Tao. Friend, friend, he’s my friend. She’s, she’s, she’s Yang Ling. Friend, friend, she’s my friend. (2) T: Now you can make your own chant. Try to say like this: He’s, he’s, he’s …. Friend, friend, he’s my friend. She’s, she’s, she’s …. Friend, friend, she’s my friend. (请学生选自己的朋友的名字替换儿歌中的名字,可以编一段或两段) (3) T: Let’s act out the Story time in groups. (PPT呈现Story time 的图片,请学生分组表演。可以提醒学生注意表演时声音响亮,语调正确,适当加上动作) Step 2 Presentation and practice 1. T: Boys and girls, all of you did a good job. Now let’s play a game, Magic eyes. Who’s he/she S: (学生根据PPT闪现的图片答复) He’s/She’s … T: Who’s he/she (板书并带读) T: Open your books to Characters. (把书打到目录前面的人物介绍页) Look at the pictures and ask and answer in pairs. S1: Who’s he/she S2: He’s/She’s … … 2. T: Who’s he/she (PPT上显示一张其他任课老师的图片) S: He’s/She’s … T: He’s/She’s my friend. T: I want to know who your friends are in our class. You can make a card and then talk about your friend. (老师边演示边表达制作的步骤。) (1) Take out a piece of paper. (2) Write down My friends and draw a rectangle and some pictures on it. You can cut some small pictures and stick them on the paper. (3) Stick or draw the photos of your friends in the rectangle. (4) Try to introduce your friends. (前三步所需材料


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