新译林版英语五年级上册Unit 8教案(公开课).doc

新译林版英语五年级上册Unit 8教案(公开课).doc

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五上Unit 8 At Christmas Story time 教学目标: 会读,会复述Story time的内容 了解圣诞节的相关知识,能用英语介绍圣诞节 会读,会说词汇:Christmas , present, always, turkey , pudding, pretty , wake up , stocking , finally 等 教学重点: 了解圣诞节的相关活动 了解并能简单复述课文 教学难点: present, always , turkey , pretty的发音 教学准备: PPT , 短语字条,圣诞物品剪图 教学过程: Step 1. Listen to a song We wish you a Merry Christmas! 1. Listen to the song 2. What holiday is it about (Christmas, the most important festival in Western countries ) 3. What do you know about Christmas (学生说自己所知道的圣诞节,适当展开描述) Step 2. Presentation 1. What else do you want to know about this festival (学生提问: When What do people do / eat / play ) 2. 通过一张日历介绍圣诞节的时间〔Christmas Day is on the twenty-fifth of December , Christmas Eve is on the 24th of December〕 3. 解决第二局部问题: What to do /eat/play (1) Mike is an English boy, he knows it very well . Let’s ask him .(学生提问:Hi, Mike. What do you do at Christmas ) (2) 看视频〔课文〕答复: What do they do at Christmas ( 学生根据所听,任意答复其相关活动) 〔3〕T: Oh , they do so many things at Christmas. What do they do first /next /then / finally Learn :first /next /then / finally ,并将单词贴在黑板上 学生按时间顺序,分别答复相应的活动,师将字条贴在黑板上对应的词后面 逐图朗读,确认答案。 A) 读短文。学习 present, Father Christmas . 讨论Do you like him Why How does he give children presents 观看小视频 。 B) 读短文。 学习:pretty =nice/beautiful; put ...in/on /under... C) 读短文。 学习:stocking , 讨论: If you have a stocking , what present do you want D) 读短文。 学习:turkey , wake up early (4) Reading time . 跟视频通读全文。 再小组练习,表演朗读。 4. If you are Mike , could you tell us about the festival (学生根据板书复述课文) Step 3. Know more about Christmas 1. 根据图片集锦,师朗读材料,介绍圣诞节的其它活动 2.Now ,more and more Chinese people like this holiday . They celebrate Christmas. How do you spend Christmas as a Chinese 3. Do you like Christmas Why (It’s ... We can ....) 4. Christmas spirit :To share and to be together Step 4. Homework 查找资料,了解更多关于圣诞节的知识。 西方节日,除了圣诞节,你还知道哪个节日呢?查找相关资料,向同学们做介绍。 教后反思 这是译林版小学英语五年级上册Unit 8的Story t


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