新牛津译林英语六上U3 Cartoon time教案.doc

新牛津译林英语六上U3 Cartoon time教案.doc

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英语 〔六年级上册〕 Unit 3 Holiday fun Cartoon time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标 1. 学生能理解Cartoon time, 熟练朗读并会表演。 2. 能听、说、读单词和短语:fashion show, go well, heavy rain, excited, paper, ask, at first 3. 学生能运用一定的阅读技巧和策略。 4. 稳固一般过去时态的用法。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点 教学重点:1. 学生能熟练朗读Cartoon time,并能表演。 2. 学生能够掌握一定的阅读技巧。 教学难点:学生能够掌握一定的阅读技巧。 Teaching procedures 教学过程 Step 1 Preparation 1. Brainstorming (出示关于“holiday〞的短语, 引导学生说说这个话题并提一些关于假日的问题) 2. Enjoy a song T: You did a good job just now. Here’s a song for you! (播放歌曲Who is wearing yellow today ) →出示歌曲的标题:Who is wearing yellow today Step 2 Presentation and practice 1. Ask and answer T: I’m wearing ... today. How about you S: I wear … today. T: How about yesterday (出示句型:What _____ you ______(wear) yesterday ) (让学生完成句型并引出答句:I wore ... yesterday. 教学单词:wore) T: Let’s go on asking! Step 3 Cartoon time 1. (PPT呈现Sam and Bobby的图片) T: What are Bobby and Sam wearing T: What do you think of their clothes 2. T: Let’s watch the cartoon and answer the questions. Try to get the main idea of this story. Q1: What are they talking about Q2: What did Bobby and Sam wear (教师播放动画) (1) T: What are they talking about S: They’re talking about the fashion show. (教师出示fashion show图片,教学该词) T: What can we do at a fashion show S: We can wear beautiful clothes. T: Look at this picture. Whose fashion show is it, Tina’s or Bobby’s S: Bobby’s fashion show. (2) T: Tina asks some questions about Bobby’s fashion show. What can she ask You can discuss in pairs. (学生讨论过后,老师出示问题:What did Bobby wear ) (学生自主朗读故事,并在文中找出答案:I wore a paper T-shirt and paper shorts.) T: Did Sam wear paper clothes too S: No. He wore a lot of bottles. (3) T: So interesting! Were they very happy at the fashion show Why (学生自己阅读故事,并找出关键句答案:It was wonderful at first, but then there was heavy rain.→教学词汇和短语:wonderful, at first, heavy rain) 3. Read after the tape. 4. Read by themselves. 5. Read in roles. 6. Ac


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