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英语培优外刊阅读 班级:____________学号:____________姓名:____________ 外刊精选|当巴黎爱上骑行:浪漫之都的“成长阵痛” 【背景介绍】最近,在巴黎骑自行车成为一种新的潮流。为倡导低碳生活,并将巴黎打造成“世界自行车之都”,巴黎政府出台了一系列政策鼓励民众骑车出行。但是,随着巴黎街道上的单车数量激增,许多新问题也层出不穷。在巴黎骑自行车会遇到哪些问题?这些问题是否能够解决? As Bikers Throng the Streets, Its Like Paris Is in Anarchy By Liz Alderman On a recent afternoon, the Rue de Rivoli looked like this: Cyclists blowing through red lights in two directions. Electric scooters careening across lanes. Jaywalkers and nervous pedestrians scrambling as if in a video game. Sarah Famery, a 20-year resident of the Marais neighborhood, braced for the tumult. Its chaos! exclaimed Ms. Famery, shaking a fist at the swarm of bikes that have displaced cars on the Rue de Rivoli ever since it was remade into a multilane highway for cyclists last year. Politicians want to make Paris a cycling city, but no one is following any rules, she said. The mayhem on Rue de Rivoli — a major traffic artery stretching from the Bastille past the Louvre to the Place de la Concorde — is playing out on streets across Paris as the authorities pursue an ambitious goal of making the city a European cycling capital by 2024. Parisians have heeded the call: A million people in a metropolis of 10 million are now pedaling daily. And Paris now ranks among the worlds top 10 cycling cities. But with success has come major growing pains. Its like Paris is in anarchy, said Jean-Conrad LeMaitre, a former banker who was out for a stroll recently along the Rue de Rivoli. Everyone is just doing as they please. There are no police, no fines, no training and no respect. 【词汇过关】 请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。 1.biker [?ba?k?] n. ____________________________ 2.throng [θr??] vt. _______________________ 3.cyclist [?sa?kl?st] n. _______________________ 4.careen [k??ri?n] vt. __________________________ 5.lane [le?n] n. __________________________ 6.jaywalker [?d?e?w??k?] n. __________________________ 7.scramble [?skr?mbl] vi. __________________________ 8.tumult [?tju?m?lt] n. ________________________



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