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新建 Microsoft Word 文档 (8)—修改完成稿.doc

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摘要 在上个世纪八十年代,我国开展了举世瞩目的改革开放,经济、社会得到了空前的发展,城市化进程不断推进,房地产市场不断壮大,体系不断成熟。正是由于房地产业的不断发展,物业管理产业也随之兴起,并且在房地产的膨胀发展过程中,迅速壮大、成熟。近十年来物业管理行业一直推动着广西经济的发展,为广西经济的发展做出很大的贡献。但在看到成绩的同时,我们也应该清醒地认识到,整个物业管理体系还不够完善,小区业主与物业管理部门之间时常发生矛盾和冲突,而且成为一种普遍现象,这就使得我们必须去深思,在物业管理过程中,到底是哪个环节出现了问题,还存在哪些制约发展的关键性因素。 在此篇论文中,笔者结合自身所掌握的理论性知识,以及在实习过程中的实践经验,以南宁市物业管理为例,充分分析了其在发展过程中存在的不足和缺陷,并提出个人的一些建议。首先梳理国内关于物业管理的研究理论,阐述了物业管理基础常识及概念,全面收集南宁市物业管理资料,分析其发展现状,其次梳理出南宁市物业管理存在的问题;最后通过分析物业管理存在问题的原因,从政府部门、物业管理公司以及业主三方面提出解决问题的对策。 关键词:物业管理,现存问题,对策分析 Nanning Major: Economics Class: 2011-1 Author: Li Caihong Supervisor: Abstract Since the reform and opening up, with the continuous development of market economy, the development of urbanization, the real estate market continues to mature, supporting industries as real estate property management gradually since the 1980s in domestic development, and rapid growth, maturity. Over the past decade the property management industry has been promoting economic development in Guangxi, Guangxis economic development has made great contribution. But it should be noted, property owners and property management process management often there is a conflict and contradiction, which had to consider the reasons for its contradictions. While the great achievements of its own, there are still many problems restricting its development. Combining personal possession of theoretical knowledge and practical experience analysis and research on property management Nanning existing problems and put forward some personal advice. First, sort out the domestic research base on property management and related concepts; then by analyzing the current situation in Nanning City Property Management, followed by Nanning sort out the problems of property management; and finally by analyzing the causes of the problems of property management, from government departments, property management proposed solutions to this problem companies and three owners. Key words: property management, Existing problems, counter


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