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译林五年级英语下Unit1—4单元测试题下载 译林五年级英语下Unit1—4单元测 试题下载 五年级英语下Unit1—4单元测试2015.4 班级___________ 姓名____________得分_____________ 听力部分(30分) 一、听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语,将答案写在题前括号里。(听两遍,10分) () 1. A. termB. themC. time () 2. A. nearB. needC. here () 3. A. singB. swimmingC. slide () 4. A. metroB. moonC. mouse 1 () 5. A. take offB. take onC. take out () 6. A. coughB. coldC. coat () 7. A. leaveB. leftC. live () 8. A.go toB. gets toC. get to () 9. A.longB. awayC. along () 10. A. shinyB sunnyC. sun 二、听对话,根据对话内容和问题,选择正确的答句听两 遍。(听两遍,10分) () 1. How do they get to the bookshop? A.Take a metro.B.Take a train.C. Take a taxi. () 2. Is there a cinema near Wang Bing’shouse? A. Yes, it is.B.Yes, there is.C. No, there isn’t. 2 () 3. How does the boy get to the library? A. Go along this street.Turn left at the traffic lights. B. Go along this street.Turn right at the traffic lights. C. Go along this street.Turn left at the traffic lights and then turn right. () 4. Why is Mike so sad?. A. He has no nice coat.B.He has to finish his homework. C. He has an old bike. () 5. What’s Miss Li’s job? A. She’s a nurse.B. She’s a policewoman.C. She’s a teacher. 三、听录音,补全对话(共10分,听三遍) 3 Linda __________ terrible because she has a bad____________. She can’t eat _______________. Then her mother _____________ her to ___________ the doctor. The doctor ____________ her teeth and gives her some _____________. He tells Linda to eat less ____________ food. He also tells Linda that she _____________ brush her teeth in the morning and before ______________. 笔试部分(70分) 四(找出单词画线部分读音与其 他两个读音不一致的选 项,并将答案写在前面的括号里。(共5小题;每小题1分, 共5分) () 1. A. clothesB. offC. on () 2. A. stationB. maskC. make () 3. A. chairB. muchC. shoes () 4. A. trainB. trousersC. street 4 () 5. A. thinB. thereC. these 五、英汉互译(10分) 1.沿着月亮街步行2.到达医院 3. 在公共汽车停车站4.感觉又冷又饿 5.下地铁6.应该休息 7. point at his long neck8.show her new dress to her 9.The bus is full.10. turn left at the traffic lights 六(选择题。(15分) () 1. It’s late, she _________


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