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美术专业英文简历范文2篇 美术专业英文简历范文1 resume name:hening sex:male e-mail: telephone: bjective: highest rank designer assistant or designer education : graduates (original province skill school) in the stage fine arts concurrently room designs the specialty in the hunan province art professional institutethe student member branch in the chinese construction association room designs since 2022carry on the handpainted practice in the original fine arts foundation;05 years attain dongyi rising-sun cup hunan province university student room to design the grand prize contest to attain the only second prize (first award vacancy);part-time: designer in dongyi rising-sun co., ltd the changsha branch06 years in february enters dongyi rising-sun co., ltd changsha subsidiary pany until now. 06 years attain by the chinese construction academic society room in design the branch to conduct and e, the new person cup in the national youth university student room design the petition honorable mention; superiority:the young rich fervor, can endure hardship; also promising goal struggle bodily qualification. excels at the handpainted expression, has the solid basic skills, has the rich munication practice with the customer. l likes new chinese type, mediterranean sea, decoration art, the american village, the western-style classical style analysis, the good at modernistic and decoration art. can understand own value and makes up for ones deficiency by learning from others strong points, to side person study, after knew very well the personhood, works first the truth which, makes money again. insufficient:young, it is realistic but perhaps is not the question. the experience, i study, the work place after all in changsha, no matter is the product and the customer, the limitation is very big, moreover designs should not receive limits. after 3 year social studies, the present i very clear own insufficiency, and have a good point


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