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ability to rotate(旋转)and translate shapes J Levine said in a statement. 2023年高考复习阅读理解总分值考点 考点5.主旨要义之文章大意.?讲考点?.琳有成竹 [2022年文章大意考点归纳】 T点 题》、 文章大意 阅读理解 2022 试卷类型 设问 考占 -J /、、、 2022年全国甲卷 阅读 C31. What is the text mainly about? 文章大意 2021 2021年3月天津卷 C 篇 56. What is the passage mainly about? 文章大意 2021年6月浙江卷 C 篇 10. What is the last paragraph mainly about? 文章大意 2020 2020年新课标I I卷 B 篇 27. What is the text mainly about? 文章大意 【2023年高考命题预测】 文章大意考点是高考中的必考点。一篇一定在表达或传递他的思想,因此,每篇文章一定有 它的中心思想。预测在2023高考中,文章大意题会继续在高考阅读理解中呈现。 【主旨大意之文章大意考点指南】 规律方法:如何概括文章大意? 1、做概括文章大意题时,有效的方法就是识别主题句。主题句具有简洁性、概括性的特点,文章的中心 思想往往是每段主题句的综合。假设文章无主题句,这就需要我们依据文中的事实、细节、观点去进行分析、 推断和归纳,从而概括出文章大意。 2、在选择答案时,根据自己总结的大意,就可以用排除法将干扰项逐个排除。 考例分析: B【2020.全国新课标II】 Some parents will buy any high-tech toy if they think it will help their child, but researchers said puzzles help children with math-related skills. Psychologist Susan Levine, an expert on mathematics development in young children the University of Chicago, found children who play with puzzles between ages 2 and 4 later develop better spatial skills. Puzzle play was found to be a significant predictor of cognition(认矢口)after controlling for differences in parents, income, education and the amount of parent talk, Levine said. The researchers analyzed video recordings of 53 child-parent pairs during everyday activities at home and found children who play with puzzles between 26 and 46 months of age have better spatial skills when assessed at 54 months of age. “The children who played with puzzles performed better than those who did not, on tasks that assessed their The parents were asked to interact with their children as they normally would, and about half of children in the study played with puzzles at one time. Higher-income parents tended to have children play with puzzles more frequently, and both boys and girls who played with puzzles had better spatial skills. However, boys tended to play with more complex puzzles than girls, and the parents of boys provided more



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