日本堀场(HORIBA) APSA-370 二氧化硫在线分析仪操作说明(英文).pdf

日本堀场(HORIBA) APSA-370 二氧化硫在线分析仪操作说明(英文).pdf

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Ambient SO monitor 2 APSA-370 Operation Manual CODE:GZ0000051251C Preface This manual describes the operation of the Ambient SO monitor, APSA-370. 2 Be sure to read this manual before using the product to ensure proper and safe operation of the instrument. Also safely store the manual so it is readily available whenever necessary. Product specifications and appearance, as well as the contents of this manual are subject to change without notice. ■Warranty and Responsibility HORIBA warrants that the Product shall be free from defects in material and workmanship and agrees to repair or replace free of charge, at HORIBA’s option, any malfunctioned or damaged Product attributable to HORIBA’s responsibility for a period of one (1) year from the delivery unless otherwise agreed with a written agreement. In any one of the following cases, none of the warranties set forth herein shall be extended; Any malfunction or damage attributable to improper operation Any malfunction attributable to repair or modification by any person not authorized by HORIBA Any malfunction or damage attributable to the use in an environment not specified in this manual Any malfunction or damage attributable to violation of the instructions in this manual or operations in the manner not specified in this manual Any malfunction or damage attributable to any cause or causes beyond the reasonable control of HORIBA such as natural disasters Any deterioration in appearance attributable to corrosion, rust, and so on Replacement of consumables HORIBA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY MALFUNCTIONS OF THE PRODUCT, ANY ER



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