Unit 6 Topic2 SectionB学案--仁爱版八年级下册英语.docxVIP

Unit 6 Topic2 SectionB学案--仁爱版八年级下册英语.docx

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八年级下英语导学案 课题 Unit 6 Topic2 Section B 助学者 学习 目标 .继续学习时间状语从句的用法 .学习方向及方位词 .学习十三陵的相关知识 时间 课时 3.学习重难点:学习方向及方位词 学习过程 自主学习: 自学(一).看3中图片和句子学习以下知识点。 Lin the +方位词+of用于在某一范围内的地区。 Helongjiang is in the north of China2.on the+方位词+of用于相互接壤且不管辖的两个地区。 Helongjiang is on the north of Jilin. 3.to the +方位词+of用于相互不接壤且不管辖的两个地区。 Helongjiang is to the north of Henan. 看中国地图,回答以下问题。 Where is Fujian?(west9Jiangxi)Where is Guizhou?(south,China) Where is Ningxia?(north,Chongqing)自学(二).1.读la的对话回答下面的问题(组内讨论)。 .Where are the Ming Tombs? .What' s on both sides of the Sacred Way? .When did the emperors start to build their tombs? .What kind of place did the emperors choose for their tombs? .How long does it take them to get there by bike? 2.听la的对话把听到的风景区列出来并读熟对话探究问题小组合作: .看Part3a的图片用适当的词填空。 ) .Qingling is to the of Yuling. ) .Dingling is the southwest of kangling. ) .Maoling lies to the of Tailing. ) .Zhaoling lies the west part of the Ming Tombs. ) .The most eastern tomb is?.听Part2给以下图片序号。 ()camel ( )xiezhi ( )horse ( )lion ( )qilin ( )elephant训练单 Do class exercises! .Do you know these animals? What do they stand for in China? camel xiezhi horse lion qilin elephant.()—good luck2) .()—peace of the country 3) .()—telling good from bad 4) .()—large area of thecountry 5) . ()—an important vehicle 6) .()— high prestige2.完成句子。 l.They are(在???脚下)the TianshouMountains,(在?????西北)Beijing. The Tombs(蔓延、占地)an area of 40 km . spread over=cover. The Stone Arch(标志 的开始)the Sacred Way to the Tombs . (在两边)the way ,there are some stone animals and stone officals.on both sides of 相当于 on each side of. (在古代),only the emperpors could ride horses(通过)it. through 穿过、从中通过。through the window across 横过。across the roadThe surveyed the area to(确实)their tombs (面对) south and had mountains behind them. (顺便说一下),how far is it from here to the Ming Tombs? If s about(两个半小时)by bike, two and a half hours=two hours and a half一个半小时 two and a half hours by bike= two and a half hours" ride归纳整理:


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