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- . z. 电催化的应用与前景 摘要现在世界各国现代工业开展迅猛,对能源的需求量也随之急剧增加,但二十世纪末以来,我们却面临巨大的能源危机,以及日益严重的环境污染问题,因而节约有限能源、治理污染是当务之急。电催化科学的研究恰好适应了这种要求。电化学科学是以研究如何加速电极上电催化反响速度。降低电极电位为研究内容,与节能降耗密切相关,特别是在强电流电解过程中的节能,采用电催化电极更是起了巨大的作用。目前对能源利用、燃料电池和*些化学反响〔如丙烯腈二聚、分子氧复原〕的电催化作用研究得较深入,今后在开拓精细有机合成方面可能会得到较大的进展,特别是对那些与电子得失有关的氧化复原反响。本文将主要介绍电催化在有机污水的处理和燃料电池中的研究应用现状,以及对未来开展的展望。 关键词电催化有机污水燃料电池催化氧化 Abstract now world modern industry is developing rapidly, the demand of energy is increasing rapidly along with it, but since the end of the 20th century, we are faced with enormous energy crisis, and increasingly serious problem of environmental pollution, thereby saving energy Co., pollution abatement is the urgent affairs. The research of electro catalytic science has just adapted to this requirement. Electrochemical Science is to study how to accelerate the speed of electro catalytic reaction on the electrode. Lowering the electrode potential is closely related to the energy saving and consumption reduction, especially in the process of strong current electrolysis. Currently the use of energy, fuel cell and some chemical reactions (such as acrylonitrile dimer, reduction of molecular o*ygen) electrocatalysis study deeply, the future develop fine organic synthesis may get great progress in, especially for those with electron gain or loss in the o*idation reduction reaction. This paper will mainly introduce the present situation of the research and application of the electro catalysis in the treatment of organic sewage and the fuel cell, and the prospects for the future development. Keywords electrocatalytic ,o*idation of organic waste water, fuel cells,catalytic o*idation 1.1污水的电催化处理 随着世界各国工业的迅猛开展,废水的排放量急剧增加,尤其是化学、农药、染料、医药、食品等行业排放的废水,其浓度高、色度大、毒性强,含有大量生物难降解的成分,给全球带来了严重的水体污染。常用的废水处理技术主要有物理法、化学法、生物法,其中,物理法、化学法容易引起二次污染;生物法以其经济性和较高的处理效率成为目前使用广泛的、能使污染物最终无机化、矿物化的方法,但它只能有效地处理生物相容的有机物。当废水中含有难降解有机物或生物毒性污染物时〔如许多芳香烃及其衍生物〕,直接利用生物法处理该种废水就


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