主语的多样性 讲义--高三英语一轮复习语法讲解 .docx

主语的多样性 讲义--高三英语一轮复习语法讲解 .docx

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高三英语复习语法讲解 讲义:主语的多样性 充当主语的词 ? 解决完五大基本句型之后,我们就要知道主谓宾可以由哪些词来充当。在英语中,一般情况下,主语在谓语动词的前面,表示句子所说的是“谁”或是“什么”。如:He likes English. 一:中美主语差异 1. 英语:物称做主语,汉语:人称作主语我们先来看两个例子: 1)From your letter,?I?know you are worried about your condition.?I?think the reason you cannot get along well with your classmates is that?you?are new here and?you?cannot forget your old friends. 2)Being the new kid?is hard, but dont worry.?There are?plenty of people in our class who are willing to make friends. Its going to take some time to get used to the schedule and classes.A couple of suggestions?for you are always having a friend with you. 解析:上面两段写作表达意思相似,都是在帮助对方分析不适应新班级的原因,但是它们主语的选择差别是很大的。第一段运用了人称代词I跟You,以个人观点来阐述观点,叙述事物,中式思维明显。这样的建议在英美人看来是作者的态度,有点强加于人,并没有真正能说服对方。第二段主语没有人称主语,反而全部是运用了动名词,there be,it形式主语,suggestions等物化主语。表达了做...是很难的,...很耗时间,带有比较客观的角度来阐述问题。英式思维明显。因此,我们写作的时候,不要把主语局限于I,you,we,he,she,而是用物化的主语。 作主语的词 1.抽象名词 表示行为品质或身份特征的抽象名词做主语,可以使得句子更加凝练。 I was?shy, which prevented me from speaking well. 改成:My shyness?prevented me from speaking well. That I was?absent?makes him angry. 改成:My absence?makes him angry. Technology is getting better, which will promote the productivity. 改成:Technology advances?will prompted the productivity. Students?failed to?keep the teachers words in mind.As a result, they are not able to master the new knowledge. 改成:Failure to?keep the teachers words in mind prevents the mastery of new knowledge. 注意:我们可以看出上面的抽象名词是由形容词,动词还有小句派生而来的。如:shy-shyness,absent-absence,fail-failure, Technology is getting better-Technology advances.抽象名词短语结构的使用比对应的从句结构更加紧凑,简练。 2.无灵主语+有灵谓语 I had a good idea. 改:A good idea occurred to me. 我想到一个好主意。 Roman Empire fell in the fifth century. 改:The fifth century saw the end of the Roman Empire. 罗马帝国在五世纪灭亡。 He lost his courage. 改:Courage deserted him. We walked to the hospital for ten minutes. 改:A ten-minute walk brought us to the hospital. 我们步行十分钟去医院。 The child is crying in the street at dusk. 改:The dusk found the child crying in the street. 黄昏时分,孩子在街上哭。 注意:以上



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