万圣节外刊精读资料 学案 --高考英语课外拓展资料.docx

万圣节外刊精读资料 学案 --高考英语课外拓展资料.docx

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PAGE 3 万圣节外刊精读课件 All Saints’ Day 万圣节 All Saints’ Day, or All Hallows’ Day, falls on the 1st of November every year. People celebrate it to remember all Christian saints, particularly those who have no special feast days of their own. 每年的11月1日,万圣节就会到来。万圣节是为了纪念基督教的所有圣徒,尤其是那些没有自己的特设节日的圣徒。 saint n [C] 圣徒(是基督教各派对已去世的教士和信徒所加的尊号) fall vi [熟词生义] 发生;突然到来 feast n [C](宗教的)节日;盛宴 What is a saint? You might ask. I’ll answer that question. A saint is a very good or holy person who is given special respect after death by the Christian church. Such as St. Mary the Virgin and Saint Peter, one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ. 你可能会问,什么是圣徒?我来告诉你。圣徒是心地善良、圣洁的人,是在去世后被基督教会给予特殊敬意的人。比如圣母玛丽亚,以及耶稣的十二门徒之一圣彼得。 holy adj 与神(或宗教)有关的;神圣的;圣洁的 church n [C] 教堂 such as 例如;比如 apostle n [C] 门徒;使徒 In the Western Christian practice, the celebration begins on the evening of October 31st, Halloween (All Saints’ Eve), and ends at the close of November 1st. 在西方基督教的习俗里,万圣节的庆祝活动在10月31日的晚上开始,也就是万圣节前夕,并在11月1日结束。 practice n [C] [U] [熟词生义] 惯例;习俗 eve n [C](尤指宗教节假日的)前夕;前一天 What is Halloween? 什么是万圣节前夕? Halloween refers to the Eve of All Hallows. The root word of Halloween is “hallow”, which means “holy”. The suffix “een” is an abbreviation of “evening”. 万圣节前夕指的是万圣节的前一夜。它的词根是 hallow,意思是“圣徒”。后缀 -een 是 evening的缩写。 refer to 涉及;与……相关 suffix n [C] 后缀 abbreviation n [C] 缩略语;缩写(形式) Halloween’s origins date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. This festival marked the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death. 万圣节前夕的起源可以追溯到古代凯尔特人的萨温节。这个节日标志着夏天和秋收的结束,以及黑暗、寒冷的冬天的开始,是一年中常与人类的死亡相联系在一起的时间。 date back to 追溯到;始于 festival n [C] 节日(来源于feast“宗教节日”) be associated with 与……相关的 On the night of October 31st Celts celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. They would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. 在10月31日的晚上,凯尔特人会庆祝萨温节,他们相信死者的鬼魂会在这一天回到人间。他们会点燃篝火,穿上化妆服来驱赶鬼魂。 ghost n [



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