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英语阅读词汇背诵清单173(高频生疏词汇) accordingly 相应地,因此 adv seemingly 似乎,好像 adv wipe up 擦干净 set out 开始做,出发去 Set out to do 开始做 Set out for +sp 出发去 regulation 规章制度 conclusion 结论 on the whole 总体上 feel at ease 感到轻松自在 reflect on 反思 assignment n 任务 precisely adv 准确地 diagnose v 诊断 n- diagnosis questionnaire n 调查问卷 Suspend v 悬挂,推迟,暂停— n suspension bridge 吊桥 attentively 聚精会神地 adv be mistaken for 误认为 entertainment n = recreation 娱乐 put the cart before the horse neutral 中立的 adj immortal 不朽的 adj decrease 减少 = reduce v controversial adj 有争议的 controversy n look back on 回顾,回想 value v 重视,珍视 initiative 首创精神,倡议,主动性 take the initiative to do sth 主动去做某事 pandemic = epidemic 流行病 n narrow v 缩小,变狭窄 = shrink instantly adv立即,马上 In the depths of despair 陷入深深的绝望 address v 解决,处理 = cope with reduce the efficiency 降低效率 reveal v 揭示,揭露 appear to do 似乎… initial 最初的 exposure to sth 暴露于 in decline 下降 be coupled with = be combined、integrated with 与……结合,联合 Chinese knot 中国结 botanical(n- botany) decoration 植物装饰 take sth on board= accept、jump at 接受 stimulate the appetite for food刺激人们的食欲 Sharpen one’s eyes 擦亮眼睛 coincidence n 巧合 adj coincidental a retired civil servant 一个退休的公务员 without batting an eyelid 眼睛眨都不眨,泰然自若,面不改色 have a destructive effect on 消极影响 eye contact 眼神交流 persuade v-adj persuasive 说服的,有说服性的 ancient pottery 古代的陶器 be used to do sth 被用来做 be used to doing 习惯于 be said to do 据说 unfair 不公平的 classify v 分类= sort out a sense of belonging 归属感 race 比赛,赛跑 v sink v下沉,沉没 bother 使某人心烦 v delighted 开心的 adj spring v 跳跃,喷薄 light up 容光焕发 hesitatingly 犹豫地 adv be intended for 为……而准备,设计,供……用 device 设备 textile manufacturer 纺织厂 mass production 大批量生产 bacteria n 细菌 harbor v — 怀有 - own、have harbor a deep concern 怀有深切的关心 favorable policy 受欢迎的政策、喜爱的 Pooling efforts= joint efforts 共同的努力 Pool v 共用- car pooling 拼车 autobiography 自传 flourishing= booming adj 繁荣的 salary = wage= pay工资 concept n 概念 Make for 有利于,出发去 trait n 特点 feature= characteristic = character ambiguous adj ambiguity n 模糊 pron



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