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长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。 住在富人区的她 全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买! 北京理工大学超星尔雅学习通“公共课”《大学英语(2)》网课试题附答案 (图片大小可自由调整) 全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买! 第I套 一.综合考核(共30题) 1.I suddenly _____ an insect crawling up my leg. A.felt B.was feeling C.was felt D.was being felt 参考答案:A 2.The football match _____ in the afternoon. A.has been held B.is being held C.is going to be held D.will hold 参考答案:C 3.He remembered ______ to the zoo by his father when he was little. A.being taken B.taking C.have been taken D.to have taken 参考答案:A 4.The actor went to the United States many years ago. He has been ___________ forgotten. A.above all B.after all C.all but D.all out 参考答案:C 5.Three people, ______, were injured in the accident. A.including a child B.include a child C.included a child D.includes a child 参考答案:A 6.Jimmy insisted that the work ______ by the middle of June. A.will be finished B.is finished C.be finished D.may be finished 参考答案:C 7.“This is a terribly heavy box.” “_____ help you to carry it.” A.I am to B.I will C.I D.I am going to 参考答案:B 8.Henry talks to his dog as if it ______ him. A.understood B.understand C.understands D.would understand 参考答案:A 9.Our society has changed and ______ in it. A.so the people have B.the people have so C.so have the people D.have the people so 参考答案:C 10.Teachers should make decisions ___________ whether the students need more help. A.as for B.as to C.as far as D.in relation to 参考答案:B 11.Nothing can _____________ the friendship we have shared all these years. A.be equal to B.be as equal as C.equal to D.equal 参考答案:D 12.Her suggestion that everybody _____ was not appreciate. A.sing a song B.sang a song C.sung a song D.singing a song 参考答案:A 13.He could not help ____ that something bad would happen. A.to think B.think C.thinking D.being thinkings 参考答案:C 14.____ from space, the earth looks like a “blue pl



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