基于spwm的太阳能路灯控制器控制系统设计 .docx

基于spwm的太阳能路灯控制器控制系统设计 .docx

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摘 要 太阳能实为现今尤为典型的可再生能源之一,表现出良好的生态性,无副产物,可有效提升人们的生活质量,并切实推进当前社会的实际发展进程。所以在各领域得到广泛的应用。本文旨在以SPWM为基础,成功构建出科学完善的太阳能路灯控制器控制系统。在此过程中,主要涉及到硬件电路设计,此外还涵盖软件设计。其中,前者旨在涵盖单片机电路以及相应的显示电路等,并涉及到SPWM控制算法。本文基于多样化器件所含的特殊性能及其使用要求等方面,进行综合考量,才决定以SPWM为基础来构建出科学有效控制系统。 软件设计主要是先对LCD1602、ADC0832、按键电路进行初始化。然后通过将太阳能电池板采集到的电压值与我们所设定的预值相比较,从而来判断此时的环境是在白天还是晚上,进一步通过对继电器的动作来实现路灯的亮灭,达到照明功能。在此次系统软件的设计主要分为两个模块:A/D转换模块和继电器控制模块。A/D转换模块主要是将采集回来的模电电压样本转化为数字信号,编程中A/D转换循环多次,然后去平均值以减小误差。 软件的设计中,要实现的功能还是通过光照强度的强弱来进行电压的采集,然后与预设电压值相比,从而来控制路灯的亮灭。 在此次设计过程中,旨在以SPWM为基础而成功构建出科学有效的太阳能路灯控制器控制系统。在此系统中,显示管能够跟踪显示电流,而LED灯则可保持在常亮状态。仅需白天进行充电,晚上即可进行方面,以切实满足照明需求。 关键词: 太阳能 路灯 单片机 SPWM算法 Abstract Solar energy is one of the most typical renewable energy sources today. It shows good ecological and no by-products, which can effectively improve people's quality of life and promote the actual development of the current society. Therefore, it has been widely used in various fields. This paper aims to build a scientific and perfect solar street light controller control system based on SPWM. In this process, it mainly involves hardware circuit design, and also covers software design. Among them, the former is intended to cover the single-chip circuit and the corresponding display circuit, etc., and involves the SPWM control algorithm. Based on the special performance and requirements of the diversified devices, this paper makes a comprehensive consideration and decides to build a scientific and effective control system based on SPWM. The software design is mainly to initialize the LCD 1602, ADC0832, and the button circuit. Then, by comparing the voltage value collected by the solar panel with the preset value we set, it is judged whether the environment at this time is day or night, and further, the action of the relay is used to realize the lighting of the street lamp to achieve illumination. Features. The design of the system software is mainly divided into two modules: A/D conversion module and relay control module. The A/D conv


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