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超声心动图对心肌梗死及其并发症诊断价值(临床医学范文) 文档信息 : 文档作为关于“医学心理学”中“医学影像”的参考范文,为解决如何写好实用应用文、正确编写文案格式、内容素材摘取等相关工作提供支持。正文5857字,doc格式,可编辑。质优实惠,欢迎下载! 目录 TOC \o "1-9" \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:超声心动图对心肌梗死及其并发症诊断价值 1 1资料和方法 3 1.1基本资料: 3 1.2基本方法: 4 2结果: 4 3讨论: 5 文2:心肌梗死及其药物治疗 6 1 症状 6 2 病因 6 3 药物治疗 7 参考文摘引言: 10 原创性声明(模板) 10 正文 超声心动图对心肌梗死及其并发症诊断价值(临床医学范文) 文1:超声心动图对心肌梗死及其并发症诊断价值 Diagnostic value of echocardiography for myocardial infarction and its complicatio Abstract: Objective: To investigate the diagnostic value of echocardiography for complicatio of myocardial infarction. Methods: Retrospective analysis of the echocardiographic findings of 75 patients who had been diagnosed as coronary heart disease with myocardial infarction from June 2017 to June 2018, and analyzed whether they had complicatio, their characteristics and types, and observed There are no other complicatio. Results: The diagnostic coincidence rate of echocardiography was 93.34%, the rate of missed diagnosis was 5.33%, and the rate of misdiagnosis was 1.33%. The diagnostic coincidence rate of electrocardiogram was 86.66%, the rate of missed diagnosis was 10.67%, and the misdiagnosis rate was 2.67%. Electrocardiogram + The diagnostic coincidence rate of echocardiography combined examination was 97.33%, the missed diagnosis rate was 2.67%, and the misdiagnosis rate was 0%. The diagnostic compliance rate of the combined examination was better than that of the single examination, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: Echocardiography has a high clinical value in the differential diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. It can accurately diagnose the disease and use ECG together to further improve the diagnosis rate. Keywords: echocardiography; myocardial infarction; clinical value 前言:心肌梗死是临床常见的冠心病之一,且在我国发病率不低。心肌梗死患者一般为中老年人,发病时伴有剧烈的胸骨后疼痛,近年来随着医学的发展,对心肌梗死的诊断和判断并不难,但对于没有明显疼痛感的患者检查较为困难[1]。心肌梗死常伴有心律失常、心包炎、室壁瘤等严重的并发症,若不及时发现和治疗,很可能对患者的健康造成巨大的影响。本研究回顾性分析75例急性心肌梗死患者的


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