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鲁教版六年级英语上册期末试题及答案 鲁教版六年级英语上册期末试题及答案 六年级英语试题 一、单项选择填空。(20 分) (一)从 A、B、C、D 中选出划线部分读音与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。 black come name thing food A. father A. from A. breakfast A. thanks look watch B. mother B. sweater B. that B. good C. jacket C. photo C. please C. these C. room D. tomato D. dollar D. great D. brother D. book (二)从每小题 A、B、C、D 中选出能填入句中空白处的正确答案。 We like ice cream dessert. for of to at The shoes are sale $25 each. on, for at, for for, at for, on Jim’s are watching TV now. house home family families Let’s go and have their new pants. look at the look at a look a look at -Is that your sister? -No, . Its my aunt. it is B. is not C. it isn ’t D. it’s isn’t They are my good friends. I love and they love . they, I B. them, me C. them, I D. they, me —Is this sweater? —No, it isn’t. It’s sweater. your, my my, your your, his her, her your child, you can buy a lovely cat. Of On To For —What color is your backpack? — . It’s good. It’s beautiful. C. It’s black. D. It’s new. He doesn ’t like apples, he likes oranges. and but C. or D. so -Does Tony a hat? —Yes, he . has, do has, does have, has have, does Mr Green nice T-shirts in his store, and Linda wants a red one. buys, sells sells, to buy sell, buy to sell, to buy Jack TV at home. don ’t, watch C. doesn ’t, watch -Can I help you? - . Thank you, you can. C. Yes, please. I want a pen. —How nuch is this CD? — . It’s 15 yuan. C. It’s a 15 yuan. 三、完形填空:(20 分)  doesn ’t, watches D. isn ’t, watches B. I’m sorry. B. They are 15 yuan. D. They are fifteen yuans. A Hi, friends! I’m Zig Zag. I have a big clothes store. There are 46 clothes 47 all colors — red and white shirts for $8, white and blue T-shirts for $21, black and orange pants 48 $33, green and red sweaters for $74. We have red, yellow, green and black 49 for only $5. The black shoes are on the sale for $238 and 50 white doublestar shoes 51 for $362. We also have bags 52 sports for $27. Do you 53 baseball caps? We have small, medium (中号) 54 large o


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