Phrases of Unit5,6分析和总结最新分析和总结.docx

Phrases of Unit5,6分析和总结最新分析和总结.docx

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Phrases of Unit5,9A 明天的电视超级巨星 tomorrow’s TV superstar 停止做白日梦 stop daydreaming 各就各位 stand by 好莱坞空前受欢迎的人 Hollywood’s all-time favourite 为一个出色的美人、同时也是杰出 mourn the loss of a great beauty, a great actress 的女演员和伟大的人道主义者的逝去哀悼and a great humanitarian 在很小的年纪开始上芭蕾课 begin taking ballet lessons at a very young age 变成一个成功的芭蕾舞演员 become a successful ballet dancer 把所有的精力都投入到芭蕾训练之中 put all her effort into ballet training 进入电影行业 enter the film industry 吸引作者的注意 attract the writer’s attention 把小说制作成电影 make the novel into a play 在这部剧中演主角的最合适人选 the perfect / right (P81) person to play the lead role in the play 标志着奥黛丽的成功事业的开始 mark the beginning of Audrey’s successful career 不久以后 shortly after 扮演一个年轻公主的角色 play the role of a young princess 巨大成功 a big success 凭借她在这部电影中的角色赢 win an Oscar for Best Actress for her role in this film 得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖 在她的一生中 during her lilfetime 又赢得四次奥斯卡提名 earn four more Oscar nominations 奥黛丽参演的著名电影 the well-known films that Audrey acted in 在电影中最后一次露面 make one’s final appearance in films 在她整个演艺生涯当中 throughout her acting years 超越电影行业的成就 achievements going beyond the film industry 把她的很多时间奉献给慈善事业 devote much of her time to charity 与联合国儿童基金会亲密合作 work closely with UNICEF to help needy 来帮助世界不同地方的贫困儿童 children in different parts of the world 为她赢得一些奖项 earn her a number of awards 美国总统 the President of the United States 为她的工作授予她总统自由勋章 present her with the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her work 在花园里散了最后一次步 take her last walk in her garden 在睡梦中平静地去世 pass away, peacefully, in her sleep 持续大约四十年 last for about forty years 动作片/恐怖片/爱情片/科幻片 action film/ horror film/ romantic film/ scientific /西部片 fiction film/ western 上气不接下气 out of breath 买些软饮料 buy some soft drinks 一部由 Michelle Yeoh主演的 an action film starring Michelle Yeoh 动作片 主演很多其他成功的电影 star in many other successful films 以更温和/更有力的方式提意见 give advice in a gentler/ more forceful way 先阅读影评 read the film review first 适合所有年龄层 be suitable for all ages 一份电影指南 a film guide 被选为这个恐龙家族未来的王 be chosen to be the future king of the dinosaur family


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