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——Keep pushing—— ——Keep pushing—— PAGE / NUMPAGES ——Keep pushing—— 留学个人陈述PS结尾范例 选择的同学们,你们知道如何写个人陈述吗,个人陈述的写作对于同学们来说,是一种加分的申请文书,下面和我一起来看看留学个人陈述PS结尾范例。 Example 1: I want my legal education to make a bigger difference than I can as an engineer, but with a strong family to draw upon I cannot help but live a successful life. Example 2: Ultimately, I aim to gain a faculty position at a university and to continue my involvement in innovative research in the field while directly encouraging the development of aspiring engineers, both in the classroom and laboratory. In this manner I believe I can make a significant and purposeful contribution to the scientific community while gaining a great deal of personal satisfaction. Example 3: The work I saw at Graduate School of Design had that same element of innovation and freshness that I strive for, the one that goes beyond the ordinary path. I want to be an explorer and to face challenges that I can solve with sheer will and creativity. Example 4: While my GPA may not be as high as some applicants’, my academic record shows a consistent positive. I know I have the intelligence, ability, and determination to achieve success in dentistry; I only need the opportunity. My dental research experience combined with my academic background, personal qualities, and leadership abilities makes me well suited to accept the challenges in the field of dentistry. Example 5: Stanford's diversity offers an environment for learning, both inside and outside the classroom. I hope to share my varied knowledge with my classmates and to take from them a new understanding of topics that are foreign to me. I believe that no other school provides students with the combination of education and environment offered by Stanford. Its outstanding academic reputation, mingled with its diverse environment and thriving Bay Area locatio


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