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引导式教育对小儿脑瘫粗大运动功能和生活能力的疗效分析; Anhui Medical University was founded in 1926.The spectrum of subjects has steadily been extended and now has developed into a comprehensive medical university with 23 subjects covering nearly all of the medical fields including Clinical Medicine, Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Health Management, Pharmacology, Dentistry, and Nursing, among those eight subjects have been qualified to offer Ph.D. degree. The University consists of eight faculties, totally, 17 000 enrolled students, in which Medical Faculty predominates with over 6,000 students including clinical medicine, laboratory medicine, psychology, anesthesia, and medical imaging and so on.;The 1st Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University ; The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University was built in 1926 ,is one of the largest modern hospital in Anhui province. The hospital not only with primary focus on treatment of severe disease health care and emergency, but also offers a comprehensive array of medical services and educational resources. The number of staff is over 3500, the beds are over 2750, 39 clinic departments, 19 medical technology department and 26 clinic research department. The hospital is the clinic doctor degree and master degree training station in Academic Degree Commission of The State Council and master degree cover all of departments. There are about 1800000 patients consume in our hospital each year, in patient about 80000. ;唐久来 吕复莉; 小儿脑性瘫痪(cerebral palsy,CP)是指自受孕开始至婴儿期非进行性脑损伤和发育缺陷所导致的综合征,主要表现为运动障碍及姿势异常,也常常伴有不同程度的智力、视力、听觉、言语、行为、学习等方面的障碍,是继脊髓灰质炎基本被控制后致我国儿童肢体残疾主要疾病之一 。
目前,尚没有治疗脑瘫的特效药物,主要是应用综合的物理运动疗法,其中以Bobath法应用最为推广。近年来,引导式教育以她的主动康复,全面康复和同步进行认知康复的优势,已成为国际上公认的治疗脑瘫最有效的方法之一 。; 本研究对233例12月龄以上小儿脑瘫进行了引导式教育+Bobath疗法和单用Bobath疗法的疗效分析,为脑瘫的康复提供科学的参考依据。
;资料与方法;资料与方法;资料与方法; 4 统计学处理
应用Epi Data软件建立数据库,双盲录入数据并逻辑纠错。计量资料用t检验、方差分析,计数资料用x2检验,采用SPASS 13.0统计分析软件处理。
;结果;注:#与治疗前相比,治疗后GMFM88评分,P<0.05;* 与单用Bobath组相比,引导式教育教育+
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