《海上钢琴师》-The Legend Of 1900 中英文剧本.doc

《海上钢琴师》-The Legend Of 1900 中英文剧本.doc

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海上钢琴师 The Legend Of 1900 中英文剧本 I still ask myself if I did the right thing, abandoning his floating city. 我仍然在问我自己,离开他那浮 动的城市是否是个正确的选择 I don't just mean for the work. 我不只是说工作 The fact is, a friend like that 事实上是,像那样的朋友 a real friend, 一个真正的朋友 you won't meet again 你再也遇不到了 if you decide to go on land, 如果你决定上岸生活 if you just want to feel something solid under your feet 如果你只是想感受脚下那种充实的感觉 and then you no longer hear the music of the gods around you. 那么你将再也听不到那种来自上帝的音乐 But, like he used to say : 但是,就像他曾经说过的一样: "You're never really done for as long as you've got a good story "如果你有一个好故事,那还不够 and someone to tell it to." 你还需要个好的听众" The trouble is that no-one would believe a single word of my story. 问题是没有人会相信我的故事 It happened every time that someone would look up and see her. 每次都会有某个人偶然抬起头,看见了她 It's difficult to understand. 很难理解 I mean, there were more than a thousand of us on that ship, 我是说,那艘船上有很多人 travelling rich folk, immigrants, 有富有的旅行客,移民 strange people and us. 陌生人和我们 Yet, there was always one, just one 然而, 总有一个人,也只有一个人 who would see her first. 首先看见了她 Maybe he was just sitting there eating 也许他正在坐着就餐 or walking on the deck. 或者是在夹板上散步 Maybe he was just there fixing his pants. 也许他正在整理一下他的裤子 He'd look up for a second, glance out to sea 他偶尔抬起了头,向海面望去 and he'd see her. 他看见了她 Then he'd just stand there, rooted to the spot, his heart racing. 然后他笔直的站在那里,他的心跳加快 And every time, I swear every damned time, 每一次,我发誓是每一次 he'd turn towards us, to the ship, towards everybody and scream... 他会转向我们,转向大家,转向船上所有的人 然后大叫... America! 美国! I lost a lot of money betting on who'd be the first to see her, 我为了打赌谁最先看到她输了很多钱 America. 美国 It's a miracle, Santa Rosalia! 真是个奇迹,Santa Rosalia! What do you mean Santa Rosalia, it's the Madonna di Lourdes! Santa Rosalia是什么意思 就是圣母玛利亚! The one who sees America first. There's one on every ship! 那个最先看到美国的人 每一艘船上都会有一个! And don't be thinking it's an accident or some optical illusion. 不要觉得那是个意外或者幻觉 It's de


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