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外文翻译 Financing Community Development in the US Material Source: the review of black political economy Author: Gary Arthur Dymski Long years after Watts burned the first time, there remains an appalling lack of clarity about basic concepts in urban development——eginning with the notion of community-development financial institution itself. This term became centrally important in policy discussion and advocacy in the 1990s. In the past decade, a global movement centered on the problem of financial exclusion and advocating the creation of CDFIS has emerged. Consider this passage from Inspiration for Abroad, written for an Australian credit union (Rees 2002): The Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) movement began in the United States in the 1990s and has spread to the UK. CDFIS range from small non-profit micro-enterprise lenders with a few hundred borrowers, to substantial banking institutions with thousands of borrowers and loans worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Whatever their size, CDFIS share a commitment to investing in local, disadvantaged communities to build wealth, generate jobs, improve housing and stabilise communities. This report goes on to list five types of CDFIS: community development credit unions; community development banks (CDBS); community development loan funds (CLFS); community development corporations (CDCS); and micro finance funds. The second and third definitions are of special interest here. CDBS are described in Inspiration from Abroad as for-profit regulated entities that ——arget disadvantaged communities to provide banking services, loans, and community revitalisation programs. There are only a few such banks in the United States.?By contrast, CLFS are ——on-profit, unregulated and uninsured entities. They administer loan funds for community development ... Some offer limited micro-enterprise programs. They can make loans that banks and credit unions would hesitate to make ... Many accept private investment. Offerings


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