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毕业论文 (20_ _届) “跨海大桥时代”下金塘岛旅游开发研究 摘 要 人类在生产文明发展的同时一直都有满足自身精神休憩的需要,旅游便成为人们日益普及的活动,分为陆地资源旅游以及海洋资源旅游。陆地资源有限而且潜在发展力较差,此时,海岛旅游便渐渐以其无限空间性以及无限开发潜力被人们所熟悉并且热衷。海岛旅游深受交通发展条件的限制,有利的交通条件和区位有助于海岛旅游开发与发展。 本文在把握跨海大桥的大背景下,首先阅读国内外关于海岛旅游的著作了解相关方面的系统知识;其次利用各种考察手段实地考察大桥时代下金塘岛的发展现状,深入调查金塘岛自身优势以及外部旅游开发的机遇,全面考察其不足和挑战;最后结合大桥所带来的交通经济文化政策等方面的有利影响,借鉴桃花岛、舟山本岛和其他国外优秀海岛旅游开发经验,对于今后金塘岛如何进一步开发提出一些定位、产品开发、旅游模式方面合理科学的构想,使得金塘海岛旅游快速健康的发展。 关键词: Abstract With the development of civilization, people also need the demand of mental break, travelling had been the popular activity. It consists of land-travelling and island tourism. The resource of land is quite limited while that in island is quite much, at this time island tourism has become popular because of the useless room and the potential developments. The development of the island tourism is based on the transportation that a good transportation will help the development and the planning of the island-travelling. This article will be on the basic of Bridge Period,firstly ,I will read some papers of islandto get know some knowledge; then to use some means to learn the condition of the Jin Tang island around the Bridge Period, to get know some surrounding opportunity, besides, think about the shortcomings and the risks carefully; at last summarize the effects of the economic and social development, then advice some available ideas of ways and product planning and models about Jin Tang island according some useful experiments about the island tourism, for example, Tao Hua island to make it to be better and healthier developing. Keywords: Island tourism; The resources of the island; The development of island tourism 目 录 1导论 1 1.1 研究背景和研究意义 1 1.2 研究内容和方法 2 1.3 研究框架 2 2相关理论研究 4 2.1 海岛旅游开发的涵义 4 2.1.1海岛 4 2.1.2 海岛旅游 4 2.1.3 海岛旅游开发 4 2.2. 国内外海岛旅游开发模式 5 2.2.1 资源型海岛旅游开发模式 5 2.2.2 客源型海岛旅游开发模式 5 2.2.3 资源客源型海岛旅游开发模式 6 2.2.4 特色旅游模式 6 2.2.5 生态旅游模式 7 2.2.6 区域联合发展模式 7 3案例样本与数据收集 9 3.1 案例选择 . 9 3.1.1 金塘岛综合概况 9 3.1.2 金塘岛旅游资源条件 10 3.1.3 金塘岛旅游开发现状 10 3



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