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题目:孟二冬精神与大学生自主学习能力的培养 摘 要 孟二冬教授作为新时期的师德楷模,给我们留下了宝贵的精神财富,其身上所体现的自主学习思想也同样值得我们深入借鉴。在分析大学生自主学习能力内涵的基础上,通过梳理孟二冬精神中所包含的自主学习思想,并结合由问卷调查所得出的当前大学生在自主学习中所存在的学习目标不明确、学习毅力差,控制力弱和自主学习氛围差等问题,认为高校可以充分发挥孟二冬精神所具有的榜样激励和价值导向作用,通过鼓励大学生树立远大的学习目标、营造自主学习的良好环境和建立民主平等的师生关系三个方面的措施,来加强大学生自主学习能力的培养。这对提高人才培养质量和促进大学生顺利就业都具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。 关键词:孟二冬精神; 大学生; 自主学习能力; 培养 Ⅰ Abstract The professor Meng Erdong as a model of virtue in the new period left us a valuable spiritual wealth. Its body embodies ideas of autonomous learning are also worthy of our further reference. To strengthen the cultivation of students independent learning ability, Based on the connotation of autonomous learning ability of college students through the analysis and than combs the Meng Er dong spirit contained in the autonomous learning theory, combined with the questionnaire survey the current university students in the autonomous learning of the existence of the learning objectives are not clear,learing impulsive, psychological anti-frustration ability and autonomous learning atmosphere is weak and other issues, think universities can give full play to the spirit of Meng Erdong with the example motivation and value orientation effect, by encouraging college students set lofty goals, and create a favorable environment for autonomous learning and the establishment of democratic and equal teacher-student environmental measures in three aspects,These improvement has the important theory significance and the practical significance of the quality of talent training and the promotion of college graduates employment. Key words:Meng Erdongs spirit; college student; autonomous learning ability; cultivation 朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 ? 字典 - 查看字典详细内容 1 一、孟二冬精神和大学生自主学习能力的关系.........................................1 (一)孟二冬精神的内涵 1 (二)大学生自主学习的内涵 2 (三)孟二冬精神与大学生自主学习能力的关系 3 二、大学生自主学习的现状和存在的问题................................................4 (一)大学生自主学习的现状 4 (二)大学生自主学习能力培育存在的问题 6 三、弘扬孟二冬精神,加强大学生自主学习能力培养的


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