十三个Design Awards国际设计大奖(简介).doc

十三个Design Awards国际设计大奖(简介).doc

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十三个Design Awards国际设计大奖(简介)

1、Industrial Design Excellence Awards 该奖项设立于1980年,由美国工业设计师协会(IDSA)发起,致力于提升企业和大众对优秀工业设计对生活和经济发展重要性的认识。赢得IDEA将证明你的设计在商业上非常成功,并在同行、客户和遍布世界的消费者中建立显赫的声誉。 网站: The Industrial Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) are dedicated to fostering business and public understanding of the importance of industrial design excellence to the quality of life and the economy. Winning the IDEA is a distinction like no other that brands companies’ design as the very best in the business, among their peers, clients and consumers all over the world. 2、Fennia Prize 芬兰优秀设计奖每两年评选一次,授予生产一个或一系列产品的公司。获奖作品展不仅在赫尔辛基举办,也会在芬兰各地和国外举办以获得最大的影响力。 网站:www.designforum.fi Fennia Prize is awarded every two years to a firm or company for a product or series of products. The award exhibition is not only held in the Helsinki region, but also in other parts of Finland and abroad to achieve the best possible coverage. 3、Danish Design Prize 丹麦设计奖1965年由丹麦设计协会设立,以提高丹麦开发和生产的产品的设计水平为己任。参赛者提交相片或产品以及设计目的、作用、与环境的关系等,然后交由设计师和建筑师组成的评审小组评议。 网站: The Danish Design Prize, established in 1965 by the Denmark Industrial Design Association (Svenska Industritjnstemannafrbundet:SIF) that has a mission of promoting good designs. With photos and product outlines submitted from the applicants, which include purpose of development, functions, relation with the environment, a judging panel consisting of designers and architects, make selections. 4、Dutch Design Awards 荷兰设计奖鼓励发展优秀设计,强调设计对社会经济发展的增值。 网站:www.dutchdesignawards.nl The Dutch Design Awards encourage the development of sound design and underscore the added value of design for society and industry. 5、Good Design Award 日本G-Mark设计奖1957年设立,获奖作品被授予G-Mark标志,这是其高品质和易用的象征。调查表明,65%的日本民众认可这一标志。G-Mark奖是目前世界上最著名的设计奖之一。 网站: The Good Design Award was inaugurated in 1957. Products that are recipients of the Good Design Award are authorized to display the “G-Mark”, a symbol of high-quality, convenient, well balanced products. It has been shown that approximately 65% of the Japanese public



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