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摘 要 本文提出了网络论坛教学系统的构建设想,并对网络教学系统的教学应用深入的分析研究,包括系统的理论支撑和系统的实施应用方案,结合当前计算机网络、数据库技术和网络教学的评价特点。然后对开发环境以及系统模块分别做出详细介绍,系统采用Oracle数据库技术结合MVC设计模式对系统进行开发。论文主要从论坛答疑、文件共享等模块介绍网络教学系统系统。先对学生成长档案袋管理系统的构建作了详细的分析和设计,最终实现记录、存储、师生答疑等再现学生学习过程,实现学生、教师共同参与学生学习过程的评价与监督,使之成为优化教学课堂的好帮手。 网络论坛教学的研究与实现,把各种多媒体信息(如声音,文字,图像,动画等)融为一体,向学生提供一个既丰富多彩、生动活泼,又方便快捷的人机交互界面,使学生在学习过程中各个感官都能接受到教学的信息,对改善教学环境,提高教学质量,改变传统的教学模式都会起到积极创新的作用。 在介绍系统的同时对各项开发技术均有较为详细的介绍(JSP、AJAX、Struts2、Spring),能让刚接触的读者更快理解网络教学系统的实现过程。 关键词:网络论坛教学,教学研究,Oracle数据库,JSP Abstract   The construction of internet forum teaching system is proposed. Combining with the current network, database technology and the relevant evaluation methods the analysis and research on its application include the theory and application of the system. The development environment and system modules are introduced. With Oracle database technology and MVC design patterns the internet forum teaching system is built. The system includes questions & answers forum, file sharing and so on. Due to the analysis and design of the student development management system, the learning process is realized including record, storage and so on. All the students and teachers enjoy the learning process and it becomes a necessary supplement to classroom teaching. The research and realization of internet forum teaching combines many kinds of media information (such as sound, words, figures, video data). The convenient man-machine interaction system can help students to learn by many ways. It is very useful for traditional teaching patterns. Other technologies (such as JSP, AJAX, Struts2, Spring) are also introduced. New Java learners can understand the realization of internet forum teaching system easily. Keywords : network teaching , teaching and research , Oracle database , JSP 目 录 1绪论 1 1.1项目背景 1 1.2 国内外发展现状 1 1.3 项目意义 2 2 网络论坛教学系统应用研究 3 2.1 网络论坛教学的相关概要 3 2.1.1 3 2.1.2 实施网络教学的准备工作 3 2.2 本章小节 4 3 网络论坛教学系统的开发技术研究 5 3.1 JSP简述 5 3.2 AJAX原理 6


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