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天 津 师 范 大 学 普通昆虫学小论文 天津师大校园昆虫初步调查 学 院:生命科学学院 学生姓名:梁洪雪 学 号:1430170081 专 业:生物科学 年 级:14级 完成日期:2015年12月 天津师大校园昆虫初步调查 摘要:昆虫种类繁多、形态各异,是地球上数量最多的动物群体,在所有生物种类(包括细菌、真菌、病毒)中占了超过50%,它们的踪迹几乎遍布世界的每一个角落。昆虫不但种类多,而且同种的个体数量也十分惊人。昆虫的分布面之广,没有其他纲的动物可以与之相比,几乎遍及整个地球。分有不同的种类。昆虫是世界上最繁盛的动物,已发现100多万种,比所有其他动物种类加起来都多。天津师范大学植被丰富,植物种类多种多样,为昆虫的栖息和生活创造了良好的环境。校园内的昆虫种类也丰富多样。通过捕虫网、撒网、巴氏罐、灯诱等方式,采集校园内有的常见昆虫,以便了解校园内的昆虫种类,并仔细观察捕获的昆虫,了解昆虫构造,将实际与课本上学习的理论知识相结合,加深对昆虫的认识。 关键词:天津师范大学,昆虫,初步调查,认识 Preliminary investigation on the insects in the campus of Tianjin Normal University 英文摘要:Many species of insects, the largest number of animals on the earth, in all biological species (including bacteria, fungi, viruses) in more than 50%, almost every corner of the world. Insects not only species, and species of the same species is also very alarming. The distribution of insects, there are no other classes of animals can be compared with almost all the earth. Insects are the world's most prosperous animals, has found about 1000000 kinds, more than all other animal species. And living to create a good environment. Also a variety of insect species in the campus. Methods by catching insect net, cast nets, pitfall, light trap and and acquisition campus some common insects, in order to understand the campus of insect species, and carefully observe the capture of insects, understanding of insect constructed, combining the actual and textbook learning theoretical knowledge, deepen understanding of insects. 英文关键词:Tianjin Normal University, Insects, Preliminary investigation, Understanding 目录 摘要 2 英文摘要 2 师大概况 3 气候 3 植被 4 一、材料与方法 4 二、结果与分析 4 1.红蜻 4 2.光肩星天牛 4 3.棕静螳 5 4.瓢虫 5 5.中华剑角蝗 6 6椿象 6 7.胡蜂 7 8.小黄家蚁 7 9.中华按蚊 8 10.纹白蝶 8 11.菜蚜 9 12.德国小蠊 9 13.米蛾 10 14.家蝇 10 15.果蝇 10 16.衣鱼 11 17.蟋蟀 11 18.毛檬 12 19.蝉 12 20.蝈蝈 13 21.草蛉 13 22.蜣螂 13 23.东亚飞蝗 14 24.黄刺蛾 14 25.槐尺蛾 15 26.铜绿金龟子 16 27.柳蓝叶甲 16 三、


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