Unit 1 Laughter is good for you Welcome to the unit课件 牛津版选修6.ppt

Unit 1 Laughter is good for you Welcome to the unit课件 牛津版选修6.ppt

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Unit 1 Laughter is good for you Welcome to the unit课件 牛津版选修6.ppt

Homework: 古人云:“笑福开来”。微笑是和谐的开始,微笑是沟通的桥梁,微笑可以让人冰释前嫌,微笑可以让人舒缓窘迫,微笑还可以令人净化灵魂,微笑亦可以…… 请你以“微笑”为主题写一篇英语短文,题目自拟。(词数150左右) 注意:对所提示内容不要简单 翻译,可以适当发挥。 Resources Laughter is a bridge that can lead people to health, happiness and peace. It is a good therapy to help people get rid of bitterness and forget all the problems. There is a series of special therapeutic programmes called ‘World Laughter Tour’, which aims at bringing laughter to people with cancer and satisfy people’s need for humor. For more information, you can visit: /sections /news / programs. asp * Unit 1 Laughter is good for you Welcome to the unit 高二牛津版模块六 Do you like these people? Why? They make us laugh. They bring us happiness. Discussion: 1. What can we benefit from laughing? Good health is one of the many benefits of laughter. Laughter reduces our stress levels by reducing the level of stress hormones, and also helps us cope with serious illnesses. Physiologically, laughter promotes healing, by lowering the blood pressure, and by increasing the vascular blood flow and the oxygenation of the blood. Physical fitness stemming from laughter is a benefit known to few. Scientists estimate that laughing 100 times is equivalent to a 10-minute workout on a rowing machine, or to 15 minutes on a stationary exercise bike. The mere act of laughing exercises the diaphragm, as well as the abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg, and back muscles. Another benefit of laughter is that it improves our over-all mental health. Pent up negative emotions, such as anger, fear, and sadness, can cause biochemical changes in our bodies that can produce a harmful effect. Laughter provides a harmless outlet for these negative emotions, and provides a coping mechanism for dealing with difficult or stressful situations. 2. In general, what kinds of things can make you laugh? Sharing information Look at the posters and have



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