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www.TopwayE 第一章 非谓语动词结构 分 词 1. Primary care physicians who refuse to compromise quality are either driven out of business or to cash鄄only practices, further contributing to the decline of primary care. (09.12 Passage 2) 分析 主干院... physicians... are either driven out of business or to (cash鄄only) practices... 淤either... or... 并列连接两个介词词组 out of business 和 to cash鄄only practices袁 接在 driven 之后遥 于句子主语 physicians 有前置定语 primary care 和 who 引导的定语从 译文 不愿降低服务质量的初级护理医生要么被迫停业袁 要么提供只收现金的服务袁这 进一步加剧了初级护理服务的下滑遥 2. Ultimately we must get a handle on those issues as well, or a creature that outlived the dinosaurs will meet its end at the hands of humans, leaving our descendants to wonder how a creature so ugly could have won so much affection. (09.6 Passage 1) 分析 主干院... we must get a handle (on...) or a creature... will meet its end... 淤本句是由 or 连接的并列句袁or 表示 野否则袁 要不然冶遥 于前一 分句中 袁get a handle on 表示野开始理解或了解冶曰后一分句中袁主语 a creature 后有一个 that 引导的定 语从句修饰袁outlive野比噎噎更长寿冶袁现在分词短语 leaving 作状语袁表示谓语野meet its end渊玩完冤冶所造成的后果遥 leave... to...中的不定式 to wonder 作 our descendants 的补 译文 最终我们也一定要解决这个问题袁否则这些比恐龙幸存时间还长的生物就将在人 类的手上灭绝袁到时我们的后代可能会好奇袁为什么如此丑陋的生物居然能够获 得那么多的关爱遥 3. With the dollar slumping to a 26鄄year low against the pound, already鄄expen鄄 sive London has become quite unaffordable. (08.6 Passage 1) 分析 主干院... London has become (quite) unaffordable. 这是个简单句袁句首的野with+宾语渊the dollar冤+宾补渊slumping to...冤冶作状语袁表 译文 随 着 美 元兑换英镑跌至 26 年来的最低袁 原本已经很昂贵的伦敦变得让人去不 起了遥 4. We see our kids蒺 college background as a prize demonstrating how well we蒺ve raised them. (08.6 Passage 2) 分析 主干院We see... background as a prize... 谓语部分用了 see... as...的句型袁表示野把噎噎看做噎噎冶袁as 引导的介词短语作宾 语补 足语遥 现在分 词短 语 demonstrating 作后置 定语 修饰 a prize袁how 引 导的从 句 作 demonstrating 的宾语遥 1 www.TopwayE 译文 我们把子女的大学教育背景当成是证明我们如何成功养育子女的奖品遥 5. As someone paid to serve food to people, I had customers say and do things to me I suspect they蒺d never say or do to their most casual acquaintances. (07.12 Passage 1) 分析 主干院... I had customers say and do... 淤句首的 as 是介词袁其宾语 someone 后有一个


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